I'm usually only cooking for myself and my partner, so sharing germs isn't a big concern unless I'm sick, in which case I'll probably take the lazy route for dinner instead of cooking something anyway.
When I'm cooking or baking for a group though, I don't double-dip. I try to do like on all the Food Network shows where the chefs have a bunch of 'tasting spoons' ready to go. It was kind of hard to get into the habit at first, but I've done some cooking and baking for events on occasion so I had to make sure that I wasn't tasting and then re-using utensils.
When I'm cooking or baking for a group though, I don't double-dip. I try to do like on all the Food Network shows where the chefs have a bunch of 'tasting spoons' ready to go. It was kind of hard to get into the habit at first, but I've done some cooking and baking for events on occasion so I had to make sure that I wasn't tasting and then re-using utensils.