Do you eat in the car?

Only by necessity. If I'm working away and have to leave a hotel earlier than the restaurant opens I might use a drive through for breakfast. Generally I don't like food in my car - probably harks from the days of small children stuffing unwanted bits af sandwich under seats and in various compartments. 'Snacking' I don't relate to, even on long journeys.

Most hotels here anymore don't have restaurants. They all offer "free breakfast." That means thawed out danish and muffins, and maybe some bacon and scrambled eggs.

But, I manage to eat it before I go to the airport, where the same breakfast will cost me 15-bucks. A good breakfast will cost me 30-bucks. Airport food is a money muncher.

Then there is NY LaGuardia airport, where the food costs too much, and could possibly kill you. :ohmy:

Pre-COVID, not often. Long road trips I might bring hard boiled eggs, seedless grapes, and possibly a banana. There have been a couple farmer's association meetings where I had to get up at the crack of dawn (since I didn't want to spend on an overnight hotel room) and so i brought along at least those eggs to tide me until lunch.

When I was building my house here, it was a two hour commute each way, so sometimes I had a pack of chips along, as well as coffee (in the morning) or water. I preferred to stop in the afternoon at a pizza place to pick up a couple of slices, but i always ate them there. Too messy in a car.

When I have a long drive, like to visit my family in Houston, I have a certain routine. I stop at McDonald's, get a Sausage McMuffin with Egg, and a cup of coffee, black. It is what I do. I eat it in the car, and hit the road. Like I said, it is my routine.

I never eat in the car (not in the last 25 years anyway). I also do not allow anyone else to eat in my car, particularly kids. If someone wishes to eat, I don't mind stopping for 20 minutes or so at a rest stop. I didn't smoke in the car either.
I never eat in the car (not in the last 25 years anyway). I also do not allow anyone else to eat in my car, particularly kids. If someone wishes to eat, I don't mind stopping for 20 minutes or so at a rest stop. I didn't smoke in the car either.
Here bloody here mate! the Americans have got a lot to answer for drive through everything and competition Shagging to name two.
I "liked" that post, albeit I didn't understand it.
I'm making a guess that, due to BB's penchant for double entendres, he's purposely conflating the British meaning of "shagging" with the (fun, but in a different way) American meaning of "shagging."

As caseydog likes to point out, there's another one of those "same word, different meaning" examples.
Thank you. I wanted the thread Do you eat in the Car to run for a few pages just in case of my initial wrong interpretation. I was going to quote from my book Fifty shades of Car upholstery.
I should have titled this "Do You Take Your Meals In The Car?" perhaps?
We always have water in both vehicles. A necessity even if all we are doing is running around town for errands. We also keep a roll of paper towels and a roll of toilet paper in our vehicles. Now we also carry face masks, sanitary wipes, hand sanitizer and gloves.
Toledo Bend is a 3 hour drive. We have a tradition of stopping, both ways, in Natchitoches for savory hand pies. I get 2 Crawfish pies and G gets 2 meat pies.
On long trips I am guilty of packing a small cooler. I pack a couple of sandwiches each, cut in half for ease of eating, fruit - grapes, orange wedges and melon cut in small chunks and cheese cubes. OK - there will be chocolate in the cooler and Kind Bars and sometimes boiled eggs. On the return trip we sometimes pick up fried chicken or a burger and eat in the car, Other times we will stop and eat in. That was before Covid.
We always have water in both vehicles. A necessity even if all we are doing is running around town for errands. We also keep a roll of paper towels and a roll of toilet paper in our vehicles. Now we also carry face masks, sanitary wipes, hand sanitizer and gloves.
Toledo Bend is a 3 hour drive. We have a tradition of stopping, both ways, in Natchitoches for savory hand pies. I get 2 Crawfish pies and G gets 2 meat pies.
On long trips I am guilty of packing a small cooler. I pack a couple of sandwiches each, cut in half for ease of eating, fruit - grapes, orange wedges and melon cut in small chunks and cheese cubes. OK - there will be chocolate in the cooler and Kind Bars and sometimes boiled eggs. On the return trip we sometimes pick up fried chicken or a burger and eat in the car, Other times we will stop and eat in. That was before Covid.

Everything now has to be qualified with, "before Covid," and "since Covid." :meh:

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