Do you ever skip any meals?

Around here it's just my daughter and I. She's homeschooled and I work from home so our thing is to eat breakfast, make a big meal in the middle of the day and then snack for the rest of the day. I need to find some healthier snacking options though as we've gotten into eating a lot of sweets, which isn't good.

Yeah, snacking is super dangerous. My roommate has taken to swapping all of his for nut and fruit bags from Trader Joe's, and it seems to be working out well for him.
If anything, I eat too many meals per day rather than skipping a meal. The evenings are the worst for me, because I can never make it from noon to 5 or 6 o'clock without eating. Then after dinner it's the same story, come 10pm I am starving again and wind up making a sandwich.

The only thing I will skip on occasion is breakfast, and that is usually unintentional. If I happen to get hammered the night before, sometimes I will sleep right through breakfast. It's rare because I'm a light sleeper in general, but it does happen sometimes.
Occasionally, I'll miss the odd breakfast e.g if I've slept in on a Sunday morning but if I do I make sure to have an early lunch. I find that if too much time has gone by between two meals than I'll lose my focus e.g if I'm working or become a little irritable.
I skip meals all the time. Not purposely, though... I go to school full time and work full time so sometimes I just don't have the time or opportunity to eat.
I usually skip breakfast, don't have much appetite just after I've woken up, it usually takes me a few hours to get hungry enough to actually have brunch, otherwise I will have something small for lunch, maybe a snack or two and then just have a big dinner.
I must say that I'm surprised by how many people claim that they don't have the time to eat... something which I find absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah there are situations when you have maybe only 15 minutes for eating lunch, but most of the time you know that you'll be in a hurry so all you would really need to do is prepare a nice sandwich for yourself in the morning before you leave to work.
I must say that I'm surprised by how many people claim that they don't have the time to eat... something which I find absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah there are situations when you have maybe only 15 minutes for eating lunch, but most of the time you know that you'll be in a hurry so all you would really need to do is prepare a nice sandwich for yourself in the morning before you leave to work.
Funny that you say that, when I used to be a bartender I did not get any time to but I used to just buy a pie or pre-cooked meal from the supermarket, pretty much anything I could eat on the go, time is irrelevant, man's gotta eat.
As much as possible, I try not to skip meals. When I used to go to school, I always skipped breakfast because I never woke up earlier to make breakfast. Now that I am always home, I make sure to eat my meals on time. It's also good when you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
I try not to, especially breakfast, but at times that I'm just too busy, I do succumb to it but that only happens once in a while. I don't think skipping meals is a very healthy practice, so I try not to let it happen, as health will always be more important to me than work or anything else that might keep me from eating meals on schedule.
I sometimes like to do a mini fast. I'll not eat past 6 or 7 in the evening and not eat until lunchtime the next day.
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