Do you have a regular exercise routine?

I too find walking to be the most convenient form of exercise, and I love to walk. It is better than staying indoors and doing other forms of exercises. It does not have to be brisk walking either. I can cover more ground if I am walking at a moderate pace. When I am out walking, I get to look around at the scenery while at the same time breathing in some lovely fresh air, as I like to walk near the beach. It is also an opportunity to butt up on some friends who may also be out doing the same thing.
I would have to agree with you. Walking gives me time to plan and think about work or anything that I want say what would be a nice dinner to cook for my family. It clears all the blocks even if there might be chaos and noise around but walking helps me focus more and get the job or plan carried out well. It is also good for the circulation of your blood and a bit of perspiring helps eliminate toxins.
Im into 1 hour cardio high intensity. You would see me running marathons with some others who are famous and athletic on tv. I screw my body up more sitting on the computer slouched down than I do at the gym.
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