OK - so back to sous-vide.
I ask myself: would I want to acquire a machine which costs between £ 140 - 400 ($180 - 520) just to cook vegetables? Probably not.
Would I want to buy a machine which takes about 3 times longer to cook my veggies, but (apparently) intensifies the flavour? Again, probably not.
Would I want to use this machine to cook ALL my vegetables? Again, probably not.Apparently, some veggies (Brussels Sprouts, for example) are notoriously difficult to get right.
Would I notice the difference between sous-vide and normal cooking? Well, I might - but then I might not.

Evidently the carnivores among us can provide a different perspective. From what I´ve read, sous-vide meat is delish. I can´t vouch for that.
If I owned a restaurant, it might well be a fixture and an opportunity to offer meat/poultry in a different light.