I also use garlic in almost everything. If a recipe doesn't call for it, and it seems as if it should (not desserts), I add it. I'm also a big fan of lemon zest. Lime zest too, depending on the taste I'm going for.
When I cook Asian food, I've been using an ingredient I found at the International Marketplace. It is only called "Hot Spice Powder" and the ingredients on the bottle only say "Pepper, salt, spice". I bought several bottles of this wonderfully flavored stuff and gave away several as gifts. You can guess what happened next. I was getting low on Hot Spice Powder and I went to get more and, of course, they don't carry it anymore. I have a bottle with about two teaspoons left in it, and I tasted it yesterday. I think it is white pepper, salt, 5-spice powder and MSG. I think I can make it. I'm gonna try because this stuff is great for bumping up the flavor of Asian food. I used a precious few shakes in a Chinese Chicken Salad I made the other day and I don't think I can live without if.