Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

I've stopped to make or think about New Year resolutions because I'm still making those of the last years...about two years ago my life has been changed unespectly due to several matters and I look and think at my things everyday. For me is only a "to be continued" what I'm still doing and what I'm trying to do in my best way.
Believe you can, and you're half way there. (Theodore Roosevelt)
That includes laundry and dishes. I do need to get cracking. The house is in such bad shape that is will take a concentrated effort to get it to the point that I can invite people over.

I seem to do laundry every day (4 adults in house) - dishes go in the dishwasher which gets pit on overnight and unloaded first thing.

My second New Year's resolution is to hoover the stairs at least once a month (cam't remember last time I did it).
When I am cooking I wash as I go. If I do not the counter top gets too cluttered to work on. Today my two hours of cleaning will mostly be taken up with cleaning pots, pans, dishes, range top and counters. Also have a load of laundry to process and another load to fold and put away.
I eat most oddly. I barely eat anything all day aside from tasting as I cook. Then I eat at 11.30 pm or later!
I don't eat till very late either, but then I don't sleep much at all at night, never have done. And @Dados1950, I've never eaten more healthily than since I came across this site. So, that's two people's NY resolutions out of the equation for a start :laugh:

If anything, I think I will have to concentrate on food. Perhaps now is the time to start diversifying in some of the things I already do. Making different types of bread and the cheese to eat with it spring to mind.

@morning glory Hoovering the stairs is not a priority in my house either. In fact hoovering anywhere is not a priority, although I have got a very good broom as well as two black cats:roflmao:
This year I have resolved to cook and eat more simply. Less complicated dishes, more Mediterranean and Middle Eastern foods, less time consuming vanity projects like making pork pies. Whilst my growing passion for food and cooking is great in many ways, it has taken over a bit. My wife hit the nail on the head a few days ago - she asked me if I could remember when we last played tennis, squash or golf together. I realised that I have sleepwalked into spending most of my spare time buying, cooking or reading about food. Just need to tweak the balance a bit.
I realised that I have sleepwalked into spending most of my spare time buying, cooking or reading about food.

That is what I do to - plus food photography. I don't intend to change that though. But a s I don't work, I need to have something to keep busy. I've never played tennis, squash or golf or any other sport really. Walking will have to do.
I cooked something on New Year's Day that I've never cooked or eaten before, so that is a good start, but I deliberately did not say I would be doing it every day, just that I would be diversifying. I also took the mutt on the local New Year's Day greyhound walk, and I leave it to you to imagine a large pack of wet and bedraggled hounds in the country park. Luckily it did not start raining until after we all got there, otherwise there would have been no hounds over there at all :laugh: We are both using today to recover. :whistling:
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