Do you have any scars (burns or cuts) from cooking?

I have a small scar on my finger which I received as a result of trying to puck up the lid of a can. It was a pretty nasty cut but fortunately I cleaned it well and it didn't become infected. That is about my only battle wound that hasn't healed nicely but at least the scar is small.
I got a huge scar from washing the dishes, actually. :D While it sounds silly, the wound on my hand was huge. I just washed dishes one morning, and while washing a coffee cup, it slipped, the handle broke off and the handle stub cut open a part of my hand just above my pinky finger. I even had to go and get stitches. Bad stuff and the scar is still visible after years.
We had a new cooker delivered last Monday, I was the first to use it and I now have a very nasty burn on my left wrist, for a good few days I put savlon onto it and covered with sterile pad and bandage, better now but still scaby. Lesson learned
I've got an interesting lump of white skin on the second knuckle of my middle finger on my right hand. That'll be using a mandolin without the guard and slicing the skin off down to the bone when I was distracted!
While I'm lucky to not have any major scars, I just have the minor bacon grease burns or the burnt finger after touching a said hot pan. Again, nothing to serious.
I cut my left index finger about two months ago while peeling jicauma root. It's formed a sort of keloid, even though my skin usually isn't the kind to form keloids... it's starting to turn skin-colored ratehr than keeping a pale shiny stretch-mark looking scar though.

For burns, I have real aloe vera growing by the kitchen window. Luckily I'm not allergic, but the first time I used aloe vera gel on a kitchen burn it felt as if my skin had instantly grown back! It wasn't a serious visible burn, though, it had only felt seared by a splash of boiling water.
I've had grease pop out of the pan at me. It hurt, but no scars left.

On the other hand, I dropped a knife on my foot once. I was too shocked to feel the pain, but my maintenance man looked pained enough for me when he saw what I'd done when I asked him for help.
Okay, I feel silly now.

I was making pasta. Out of habit for making something else that isn't pasta, I covered it, which of course you're not supposed to do or else it foams as it boils and spills out the sides of the pot in starchy skins.

So, I took the top off, and everything was steaming.

The weird thing is, I think I burned my fingers and knuckles on just the steam! There's no blisters on them or anything, they just feel burned even though it was only for half a second and it was only the steam! Ouch owie ow ow... :(
I have quite the collection of cuts and burns, happily nothing major. I sculpt so I get cut quite often to the point that the little dings I get in the kitchen really don't bother me all that much. I have a thing for wanting to have extremely sharp knives in the kitchen, can't stand working with a dull knife.
I have burned myself and cut myself several times over the years. I have been fortunate enough that none of these mishaps have lead to scars. I do try to be more careful these days but I do still burn myself on occasion. Normally the first thing I do when I burn myself is run the area under cold water and then apply a bit of aloe plant to the site. This seems to work for me every time.
i have had more cuts than i want to count ,i have cut half nails off and had blood pulsing out of my palm of my hand,i slipped once when trimming cauliflowers and stabbed myself in the leg,burns i have had to have a few drained at the hospital,below is a picture of a cut from 3 years ago after a trip to plastic surgery,i have no feeling in that area now but the scar is not visible ,except the tendon patch ,as i cut the tendon
l IMG_0675.jpg
Over the years, I've cut and scalded my hands so many times that I can't even count them!!

I have a burn scar on my left hand from trying to fold a omelet in a skillet years ago. The hot oil had splashed up on it and burnt it, left a scar that will be there for life!! :eek:
I have quite a few small scars from burning myself too. I've only got a small stove and I've quite often burnt myself moving trays around. Thankfully, I've never managed to slice myself with a knife.
Yup, almost chopped off my finger once from slicing some meat, I think. I've been burned several times as well. is a dangerous hobby, lol
Not me personally but my mum had a horrible accident in the kitchen when she was young. She was making doughnuts and don't know how but the pot of hot oil splashed back into her, badly burning her face, neck, hands and arms. Luckily she doesn't carry any scarring today but it could have been so different.
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