I wish dreaming worked the way it did on TV shows I watched when I was young. For example, on Gilligan's Island, they'd have Gilligan thinking about something as he drifted off to sleep, and invariably he'd dream about that.
I have never had an experience like that. My dreams are always completely out of nowhere. You'd think, if I had a lot of anxiety about something, that I'd have bad dreams (even if they aren't literally about that). But, no.
Every so often, I dream about being in a city that I've never visited. Then, sometimes, I have a sense of deja vu when I'm in a new city. I like to think that my dreams are predicting the future in this case. But, sometimes the dreams are weird enough that I hope they AREN'T what's in my future.
My dreams are random, too. And, I very, very rarely have a nightmare. I have some negative dreams, but not scary. I have some reoccurring themes, but many of my dreams leave me wondering, "Where the $^#& did that come from," when I wake up.