I'll 2nd that. I have always loved flying and levitation dreams. I've even awakened to feel myself fall back down on my mattress.
I hadn't had a weird dream in while until the night before last that I took note of. As has become usual, I wind up wandering a strange cityscape that is dreary and dark with people who are distant and unreachable. In this latest dream the urban pall gave way to a mountainous region with a large lake, like a crater lake. It was partially iced over with linear patterns and there were people walking the ice. A man who seemed to be a Sikh, fell in the water and was immediately chased by numerous creatures in the water, the worst among them, a sea lion, which constantly nipped and bit at the man. If he managed to crawl out on the ice, it bit even mor viciously. Oddly, I felt myself rooting for the sea lion. And then I woke.
What would your psycho-analysis of that tell you?