Do you have your own cookery book?


Legendary Member
Staff member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
11:23 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
[Mod.edit: This post and following few moved to new topic (MG)]

I'm more impressed that you've gone away with your recipe folders šŸ˜†
When I started my own conserves company in 2004, I started writing everything down. The idea was to be able to make notes while cooking, adapt recipes and methods, add more ingredients, etc. Here's the latest book. The date is when I started it (and I've actually got a new one, #6, begun in December 23):

recipe book.jpg
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I'm actually working on two: the first will be conserves, marmalades, jams. pickles, chutneys and jellies. The second, Indian food (in Spanish!)
That's pretty cool. I think it's such a shame when people don't share their hard earned knowledge.
It's very heartening when they do.
Personally the conserves pickles etc would be of great interest.
Food preservation was for my ageing pre-internet cohort something that was limited to what your mum handed down.
For me that stopped at how to make jam and marmalade.
So to have a book I could trust on that topic would mean a lot.
That's pretty cool. I think it's such a shame when people don't share their hard earned knowledge.
It's very heartening when they do.
Personally the conserves pickles etc would be of great interest.
Food preservation was for my ageing pre-internet cohort something that was limited to what your mum handed down.
For me that stopped at how to make jam and marmalade.
So to have a book I could trust on that topic would mean a lot.

I too have 2 recipe books 1 for my daughter and 1 for myself which will be handed down to our granddaughter. She absolutely loves my cooking.

I too have 2 recipe books 1 for my daughter and 1 for myself which will be handed down to our granddaughter. She absolutely loves my cooking.

I'm getting the pleasure of handing over my recipe's first hand to one of my son's because he loves us cooking together.
But everything worthy makes it into an A4 folder. I'm on my forth ring binders worth.

I have considered doing a sort of 'mum cooks' YouTube channel just for them but honestly I absolutely hate cameras and freeze even having my photo taken, Mr SSOAP jokes about it - that I'm concerned my image won't show, same way it doesn't in a mirror :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
That's pretty cool. I think it's such a shame when people don't share their hard earned knowledge.
It's very heartening when they do.
Thank you!
I've always thought that recipes should be shared. Anyone that tells me a recipe is unique, that it's my grandma's secret recipe, that it's de la nonna...nah, they've lost the plot. Recipes are guidelines. Share them out.
I have considered doing a sort of 'mum cooks' YouTube channel just for them but honestly I absolutely hate cameras and freeze even having my photo taken,
I've not done YouTube; there are enough twits on there without me adding one more. However, I've been filmed at local gourmet events, on local TV, during my courses - take it all in your stride. It's no big deal.
I gotva bunch of recipes written down, but nothing like an "own cookbook".
My recipes mainly mention the ingredients and not much else.
Maybe it says, stir fry or bake, but generally I assume I know :)
I've not done YouTube; there are enough twits on there without me adding one more. However, I've been filmed at local gourmet events, on local TV, during my courses - take it all in your stride. It's no big deal.

I think because I was relatively cute as a child, frequently dressed up like toy and paraded to be photographed by anyone with a camera I developed a serious dislike of cameras.
Imagine being a toddler with constant stranger danger attention on you. Iā€™ll never enjoy the experience of being recorded.
The ā€˜get over itā€™ approach simply doesnā€™t work, Iā€™ve always been far more ā€œplease leave me aloneā€ šŸ˜†

Thereā€™s almost zero photos of me with my eyes open. I naturally recoil the moment a camera appears!

As for being one more twit on youtube you wouldnā€™t be would you!
You know what youā€™re talking about, itā€™s how the younger generations get their information now and a reliable source of information is precisely the thing thatā€™s needed. Choosing an older format to share your knowledge is perfectly understandable and recipe books are still loved but imagine how many young people youā€™d help with your old man wisdom both with your cooking knowledge and your approach to life in general.
, but generally I assume I know :)
Recently I ran into a meat recipe that literally had 1 sentence in 4 parts, 4 verbs, not more than 20,30 words, I was amazed! It was written by a man, too!šŸ˜„ Concise, almost like Haiku poetry!
I've always envied people who can be short...
We had/have 2 large ring notebooks started long, long ago. One has main dishes divided into beef, pork, chicken, vegetarian, seafood, etc. The other is vegetables, other side dishes, appetizers, and desserts. However, pretty much everything we have made more than once is now in the cloud, with any newer recipes only in the cloud. I can access the recipes from anywhere via computer, tablet or smart phone, and can share with anyone I choose via a public folder. Best part about cloud/computer storage, it's searchable with as little as 1 word.
We had/have 2 large ring notebooks started long, long ago. One has main dishes divided into beef, pork, chicken, vegetarian, seafood, etc. The other is vegetables, other side dishes, appetizers, and desserts. However, pretty much everything we have made more than once is now in the cloud, with any newer recipes only in the cloud. I can access the recipes from anywhere via computer, tablet or smart phone, and can share with anyone I choose via a public folder. Best part about cloud/computer storage, it's searchable with as little as 1 word.
Same here but I keep a folder as well because the iCloud lost all of my photos of my children for the first 10 years of their lives. Made me very angry and then super sad so now if somethings important to me I want a physical copy too.
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