Do you have your own cookery book?

I want a physical copy too.
So sorry!
I too print out important photos, keep them in a good oldfashioned way, in a photo album that you flip page by page, love that.
Clouds and devices have their upsides and downsides.
I remember 2 instances of data loss that made me furious...would not love to repeat...
Same here but I keep a folder as well because the iCloud lost all of my photos of my children for the first 10 years of their lives. Made me very angry and then super sad so now if somethings important to me I want a physical copy too.
I keep a copy that auto syncs on my desktop too.
I keep a copy that auto syncs on my desktop too.
All my devices (bar a Dell laptop I keep separate for travelling) are synced and because they're synced it wiped them from every device :banghead:
If I was disciplined enough to transfer them to an external hard drive I'd be more comfortable but I still don't trust any of it.
My pov regards to tech is essentially if it can be manmade it can be man broken so I choose both paper and digital, possibly overkill but when you lose all of your children's baby photo's it cuts deep!
We had/have 2 large ring notebooks started long, long ago. One has main dishes divided into beef, pork, chicken, vegetarian, seafood, etc. The other is vegetables, other side dishes, appetizers, and desserts. However, pretty much everything we have made more than once is now in the cloud, with any newer recipes only in the cloud. I can access the recipes from anywhere via computer, tablet or smart phone, and can share with anyone I choose via a public folder. Best part about cloud/computer storage, it's searchable with as little as 1 word.

That is exactly how I do mine , in categories.

I use a binder (?)
17 rings and you can add, move, remove pages
Being a fairly disoriented fellow, my recipes are in thick manila folders in a file cabinet. I can never find what I want since they aren't categorized. It's easier to go online and find something that suits my plans and available ingredients.
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