Err yes in both the fridge and the deep freeze we have things others may find odd.
If we have an excess of eggs I've taken to freezing them minus the shells, so there are several bags with 4 or 6 frozen eggs in them. Not too odd I guess.
The fridge door is more interesting because it's where you'll find a lot of our medication. Write a bit of it says not to exceed temperatures of 25°C which isn't that high where we live and even the chemist days too keep it in a fridge. Insurance companies make a habit of mentioning fridges and contents cover including medications kept in the fridge, so I guess it's a common thing in Australia.
I'm guessing that the next 2 will be stranger. In the fridge we have a green box with a lid. It takes up half a shelf and is for compost waste. If we don't keep kitchen waste in the fridge it would very quickly rot and smell the place out and there's not normally enough to warrant a trek out to the compost bin 2 or 3 times a day.
Finally and I'm guessing the most odd is in the deep freeze. If one of the chickens dies or is found dead, it sometimes culled for healthy reasons, you'll find them double bagged at the bottom of the deep freeze waiting to be taken to the tip. We don't get a bin collection so you do your own tip run. Unless you freeze anything that can rot and smell the place out the place will stink. Vegetables matter is ready to deal with (as above), but dead chickens? Well we tried burying them which in itself is a work out digging a deep enough hole in the heat. It needs to be about a meter deep ideally. But the ground is rock hard after the first 20cm or so, needing a pick axe or crow bar to break it up. your this will only last 2 to 6 months depending on how hungry the local fox is. Then its dug up again and there will be bits of body parts everywhere along with feathers... so now they are frozen and taken to the tip on one of the next tip runs (when he remembers) using the grounds that most people put meat out in their bins anyway so we can't see the problem... But occasionally we do get to the point where we we need to empty the deep freeze of dead chickens because there are too many of them in there...