Do you take instagram photos of your food?

Sadly, with the rare exception almost nobody posts pictures of there own food. I don't know why that is, given this is a food forum and that its pretty easy to snap a photo on a smart phone.

I'll hazard a guess that you wish that you'd never made that statement since I arrived? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Pigs in blankets with mashed potatoes....

Its fantastic that you are posting your own creations. I notice @Cinisajoy has started posting photos too! Perhaps it will take off!

What camera are you using BTW? Your pics are good quality.
Mine is my tablet. Samsung Galaxy Tab 4.
Just don't expect dinner pictures as you don't want to see what my kitchen looks like after cooking.
Mine is my tablet. Samsung Galaxy Tab 4.
Just don't expect dinner pictures as you don't want to see what my kitchen looks like after cooking.
Yesterday, it looked like the Pillsbury dough boy and Aunt Jemima had a love child on the island.
Pillsbury makes flour and Aunt Jemima is the best cornmeal.
My husband bought me an ASUS tablet for Christmas which was a lovely surprise, so easy to use and it does mean I can easily take pictures and then post them with the minimum of fuss.
I cannot count the number of times this was on the table when I arrived home from work in the 70's. Still was in the 90's and I still loved it (note the Yorkshire sauce).




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Luckily I still have friends who send/bring Yorkshire sauce for me even though is it even difficult to obtain in UK:

I am almost addicted to taking foody photos. This was the last one I took.

Sunday lunch 16.10.16

My real name is on the photo for copyright reasons, I don't mind as long as no-one else does and that's it's OK for the forum, if not I can remove it, just takes a bit of cloning.

The meal was roast turkey, boiled potatoes, sprouts and gravy, lovingly cooked by my OH. I don't use Instagram (sp) but use Flickr.
If you're okay with having your name on the photo, so are we. :thumbsup:

The only problem I have with the photo is that it has just made my mouth water - Sunday Lunch ... hhmmmm ... :hungry:
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