Do you throw away food after its 'Best Before Date'?

Do you think it's safe to eat food after the 'Best Before Date' on the package? I usually keep dry goods like flour for another 6 months to 1 year and wet foods such as BBQ sauce for a few months to reduce food waste. Any thoughts?
Yeah, but it depends on what it is. I usually cut up and finish off fruits or vegetables. As for liquids, I usually throw them away. But to be honest, I rarely buy more than I need. I usually don't have any expired stuff.
as so many have mentioned . . . "it depends"

fresh fruit/produce: uhmmm, who needs a date?

meat proteins: we do a weekly plan, purchases to suit. for any 'excessive qty' - it gets frozen 'next day'
the 'past best by' date never happens with that stuff. the packages usually state "use or freeze by"

seafood/shell fish: we have a local ueber-super fish monger. stuff like clams/oysters are 'got 'et that day' - fresh fish (check the eyes . . . ) I may buy/keep one day in advance.

canned goods: no. we don't have such a large inventory of [anything] that consideration of 'best by' is an issue

frozen veggies: never even looked. they get et long before anything like a 'best by' date comes into play.

dry goods: ala flour(s)/oats/barley/rice/farro/etc . . . oh long list . . . as for frozen veggies.
we like rice/ but I don't buy it in 20 pound/9 kg sacks.....

the one bit that does come into play are cooking and/or table "condiments"
as we often go out on the limb for various 'unique' dishes, the collection of 'stuff' in bottles, but used in tablespoons . . . amasses
six months past 'best by' and it gets tossed....
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