Do you use any single-use/disposable items?

I guess there is stuff that's meant to be single use like foil, baking parchment, clingfilm (though we have the fabric wraps which i prefer and hubby is getting the hang of). I knit our own washing cloths so they get used instead of paper towels and just put in the washing machine with the washing. We've enough tea towels not to worry about bigger spills, so although we have a roll of kitchen paper, we only get through 1 or 2 rolls every year. I actually can't tell you when we last bought a packet (2 rolls of recycled paper towels per packet).

Straws are bamboo or metal. We get freebies from time to time, same with cutlery that I keep in the car dashboard for when we need something to stir in sugar in a coffee. We both have numerous reusable coffee glasses (hubby prefers the glass ones for some reason).

Even the "plastic" bags get reused and washed and dried as needed until they are no longer water tight, then they go to the compost heap. Usually we reuse containers either designed for storage in the freezer or recycled from buying hummus rather than making it.

Single use items are rare in this house (guess that's not a surprise to anyone really).
I agree. But also (and some may consider this wrong), if a plate is used for a few biscuits or something else that is 'dry' then I don't wash it at all but simply wipe the crumbs off and put it back in the cupboard. Same with savoury snacks, like twiglets - unless the used plate or bowl is greasy or mucky, it doesn't get washed.
Same here, or it is left out to be reused during the course of the day. I don't bother washing glasses or mugs during the day unless w have guests. It isn't hard to keep track of which mug is which. I only drink 2 cups of coffee a day, then I'm on water after my grapefruit juice. Same glasses/mugs get reused during the day, washed at night. It's not like we have dairy in anything so nothing to really worry about.
We both have numerous reusable coffee glasses (hubby prefers the glass ones for some reason).

Hubby must drink his coffee fast, or not mind cold coffee. Glass coffee cups are terrible at keeping coffee hot.

I use ceramic cups, and fill them with water and put them in the microwave for a minute while my coffee is brewing, so my cup is hot before the coffee goes in. I hate cold coffee.

I use ceramic cups, and fill them with water and put them in the microwave for a minute while my coffee is brewing, so my cup is hot before the coffee goes in. I hate cold coffee.
I also warm mine up beforehand.
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