Does anyone on here meditate

I seldom sleep as late as 5.00 am. It does get on my nerves. Today I thought I would turn on Radio 4 and have a little snooze but they played Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythologies that went on and on which meant that I got only a 15 minute snooze.
I seldom sleep as late as 5.00 am. It does get on my nerves. Today I thought I would turn on Radio 4 and have a little snooze but they played Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythologies that went on and on which meant that I got only a 15 minute snooze.

My partner gets up around 5 or 6 am. I rarely get up before 11 or 12 am and often go to bed at 4 am. We live in different time zones! I've tried to get to bed earlier but it just doesn't work for me. Radio 4 Extra is a good for sending me to sleep.
I have been introduced to the raisin meditation, very interesting and worth doing.
Haha, 35 seconds in to the audio on Google and I got distracted - if I had just landed from space I would not put a raisin in my mouth - what are they thinking of?
Haha, 35 seconds in to the audio on Google and I got distracted - if I had just landed from space I would not put a raisin in my mouth - what are they thinking of?

It is a metaphor, not about putting a raisin in your mouth if is about focusing your mind on 1 thing and stopping it from wandering off.
We did another meditation last night, full body scan, I struggled with focusing on what we were supposed to be doing and found my mind wandering but I found it easy to reign it back in again and calm it down which is useful because I do struggle with a busy brain.
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