It’s less getting distracted by random things, and more about getting distracted by trying to do 100 things at once; you know, you’re fixing supper and reach for a dish towel, you find no dish towels in their usual place, and you remember you never brought them from the laundry room from when you folded them earlier that day, so you go to the laundry room, where you realize you have a load of laundry still in the washing machine, so you throw those in the dryer, start the next load, but while loading the washer, you notice a button about to come off your shirt, and you know if you don’t fix it right then, it’ll come off in the wash, so you go and get the needle and thread, and on the way, your spouse asks you when supper will be ready, so you go out to the kitchen to fix supper, but the peeler you need is in the dishwasher, dirty, so you pull that out to wash by hand, and that’s when you realize the soap dispenser is empty, so you go out to the garage where the extra supplies are, and while you’re out there, you see a hummingbird trapped up between the ceiling and the opened garage door, so you get the broom for the exhausted hummingbird to hopefully climb on so you can ever so gently put him outside, when you see the downspout gutter extension has come loose and blown across the yard with the last storm, so you go to retrieve that from the neighbor’s yard, and then…I thought that was called ADD (attention deficit disorder)? If you have that it's a very minor case, IMO.
…and that’s how a typical meal prep session goes here. None of it is, “Oh, look at this shiny thing,” it’s all crap that has to be done at some point. 😅