Don't you just love it when ...

I mean, what's the trick here?
Buy a Bosch vita-fresh fridge/freezer like mine.. It features The Series 8 fridges feature our best freshness system VitaFresh pro. It keeps food fresh up to 3x longer with temperatures from -1°C to +3°C while maintaining the perfect humidity level. This combination of temperature and humidity helps you to protect all the aromas, essential nutrients and valuable vitamins in your fresh food. Hence, it is easier than ever to maintain a healthy diet with fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
My friend I was brought up to respect coffee, which means I have no knowledge of "creamers" apart from cream. In the summer here I drink Turkish coffee for breakfast. In the winter espresso with a splash of hot foamy skimmed milk.
Don't you just love it when you cash in for a short nap at around 2:00pm and wake up feeling like you've slept like a brick, staring at the clock which says it's 7:00. You feel like you slept all night, wake up, make coffee and begin to settle in to a morning routine. And then you realize - it's 7:00pm, not 7:00am. :headshake:
Don't you just love it when you forget to put a bowl of water on the table when you plan to hand knead a sticky dough? You get dough all over the place, door knobs especially. Sink faucets are next in priority. And don't even touch that keyboard!!!!
Don't you just love it when an unusual recipe idea comes to you in a dream, you wake, you write the idea down in your 'Under Consideration' notes, later try it out .... and it turns out so fantastic that you just have to do a repeat?
Talking of sleep, my wife's brother, hare khrishna who lived in India helping build a commune, is away with the fairies at the best of times. We asked him for Xmas lunch one year, he said he'd be there. Xmas day came and went. Boxing Day he turned up at midday. He had slept through Xmas day. He had leftovers. The guy doesn't have a care in the world. I used to get phone calls all the time about 35 years ago, to tow his Skoda to a garage or his mothers, At least 30 times.
He's hard work.

Don't you just love it when you pull the lever on your bathtub faucet to redirect water to the shower head and the lever breaks off in your hand, forcing you to do a sort of stand up wash cloth bathing exercise while waiting for the plumber?
Don't you just love it when the Federal Government sends you another Economic Stimulus Check?

Not only does it help you out, but it does what it was intended to do and stimulates the economy. I once learned that one Dollar circulates incredibly, being used over and over and over again through many purchases in just a short time.

The trouble is that many Brick and Mortar businesses have been forced to close their doors and the stimulus goes to those that are allowed to function or those that are online warehouses.
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