Don't you just love it when ...

Don't you just love it when your driving along and all of a sudden you get panicky about a buzzing noise which seems to be coming from the dash board somewhere, but you can't locate it, only to find after several minutes of flipping out about some perceived problem with your expensive vehicle, that the noise is emanating from your brand new cell phone?
Don't you just love it when the batteries in you head phones start failing to charge properly and you have to recharge again before you can use them to get a good bluetooth connection?
Don't you just love it when you are slicing up something cylindrical like a cucumber, a salami, a zucchini or something like that - and a pieces of it roll off the cutting board and onto the floor?
Don't you just love it when you are slicing up something cylindrical like a cucumber, a salami, a zucchini or something like that - and a pieces of it roll off the cutting board and onto the floor?
I always use a vegetable peeler (well, on the vegetables, anyway) to remove a couple of strips the length of the veggie, to give me a flat spot. It isn't 100% successful, but it is about 95% successful.

Don't you just love it that you're so used to wearing specs, something you've done every day for 45 years, that you jump in the shower with them still on your face, and marvel at how clear the shampoo bottle label is, before you realize you've just rinsed your glasses?
Don't you just love it when Winter begins to break and warmer weather returns, with a fresh rain to wash away the air pollution tars and dirt on your vehicle?
Don't you just love it when some meats you buy don't come in resealable packages and you don't have zip-lock baggies big enough or a vacuum sealer?

You find yourself faced with using that meat up faster as freezing is not a good option due to possible freezer burn.
Don't you just love it when some meats you buy don't come in resealable packages and you don't have zip-lock baggies big enough or a vacuum sealer?

You find yourself faced with using that meat up faster as freezing is not a good option due to possible freezer burn.

I use foil and/or cling film or sometimes a re-usable plastic storage box. I don't really use zip-lock bags. In fact I'm trying to drastically reduce my use of disposable plastic for environmental reasons.
I use foil and/or cling film or sometimes a re-usable plastic storage box. I don't really use zip-lock bags. In fact I'm trying to drastically reduce my use of disposable plastic for environmental reasons.

The re-usable plastic box trick is what I usually do, but this still will allow things to begin to spoil or be open to freezer burn.
Don't you just love it when some meats you buy don't come in resealable packages and you don't have zip-lock baggies big enough or a vacuum sealer?

You find yourself faced with using that meat up faster as freezing is not a good option due to possible freezer burn.
I've never seen ANY meat come in resealable packages. Is that a thing in CA?
I've never seen ANY meat come in resealable packages. Is that a thing in CA?

That's the point. You don't get meat in resealable packages. The other thing I don't like is that once you open a package of meat, it often gives off a lot of blood or fluid in the open package. They put a soak pad in, but that doesn't help much, especially, if you move what you don't initially use to a plastic container. Things just plain get yucko.
That's the point. You don't get meat in resealable packages. The other thing I don't like is that once you open a package of meat, it often gives off a lot of blood or fluid in the open package. They put a soak pad in, but that doesn't help much, especially, if you move what you don't initially use to a plastic container. Things just plain get yucko.
OK. I understand better now. This may sound weird but I use bed pads. I usually buy the family size packages of meats and bag them for individual servings. I spread a pad on the counter before starting, don some gloves and most of the yuck is contained. I find it easier than having to sanitize the sink when I did it that way.
Don't you just love it when you set down your coffee thermos and you only got the very edge of the table; it falls off and you fail to catch it, but luckily the top was closed. :giggle:
Yesterday I dropped the hairdryer while drying my hair. Twice.
Don't I just love it when I realize it 'only' fell from a seated distance and not a standing distance onto the floor...luckily no parts fell off and it did not stop working.🥳
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