Drinking straws


🌹 🍉 Still trying to get it right.
12 Sep 2022
Local time
2:21 PM
Mod.edit: posts moved to form a new topic (MG).

Glass straws will be my next purchase.

I'm dubious about them but since the plastic ones are banned I've found myself looking at the silicone ones wondering if they're properly clean inside.
I'm sure they are but I'd rather see it with my own eyes!
We have stainless steel straws. I wouldn't trust glass. I'm a klutz.
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Glass straws will be my next purchase.

I'm dubious about them but since the plastic ones are banned I've found myself looking at the silicone ones wondering if they're properly clean inside.
I'm sure they are but I'd rather see it with my own eyes!
We have metal ones, that came with their own cleaning brush for inside. It works really well.
We have metal ones, that came with their own cleaning brush for inside. It works really well.
I’ve got mostly silicone ones but have a couple of metal straws, they came with a little cleaning brush and it does feel like they’re clean but I can’t see that they are and that’s my problem. I need to see it’s clean.

I’ve ordered some glass ones. I find the prospect of a glass straw dodgy but I’ll give them a go and see how we fair with them 🤷‍♀️
Could be cool! Are they dishwasher safe?
I've been using paper straws now and then.
They do tend to mush rather quickly, but they do the job, if there is no way of drinking from the glass or jug😃
I don't know 🤷‍♀️ when they arrive I'll put one in and see.
But I'm not keen on dishwashing them, I want to see them sparkle inside and out before I suck em!
But really I prefer the plastic disposable ones. Probably because that's what I grew up with.
Same here - I love the really heavy-duty plastic straws that McD’s (used to? - idk, as I haven’t used a McD’s straw in ages) have - you could stab someone to death with those, they’re so solid.
I never encountered straws as a child so I never took up using them. My wife uses them, though. I buy her standard plastic straws.
I’ve got mostly silicone ones but have a couple of metal straws, they came with a little cleaning brush and it does feel like they’re clean but I can’t see that they are and that’s my problem. I need to see it’s clean.

I’ve ordered some glass ones. I find the prospect of a glass straw dodgy but I’ll give them a go and see how we fair with them 🤷‍♀️
You could always get some of that sanitizing solution that the restaurants use? If you submerge in soapy water, submerge in plain hot water, and then submerge in the sanitizing solution, they should be perfectly clean.

I try to avoid drinking from straws. My aunt showed me the vertical lines on her upper lip from years of drinking from straws. Repetitive motions that crease the skin can cause some pretty deep wrinkles.
You could always get some of that sanitizing solution that the restaurants use? If you submerge in soapy water, submerge in plain hot water, and then submerge in the sanitizing solution, they should be perfectly clean.

I try to avoid drinking from straws. My aunt showed me the vertical lines on her upper lip from years of drinking from straws. Repetitive motions that crease the skin can cause some pretty deep wrinkles.
I could 👍
I could also stick them in my O2 steriliser and know for sure they're bacterially sound but I think I'll try the glass ones first. Seems simpler to be able to see they're clean.

It's the effect of a brilliant microbiology lecturer from over 30 years ago!
Having to learn exactly how many microns thick an organic matter has to be before various sterilisation techniques no longer work satisfactorily had a potent effect!

The basics of it is if it isn't effectively cleaned sterilisation won't penetrate and kill all bacteria.
Cue a foible of mine that should probably go in the 'personal quirks' thread 😆
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