Dripping and grease

You know what I always found interesting? My grandmother, who was the queen of cooking with lard and bacon grease (and ate beef several times a week), lived to be 88 (she died in 1991). So before they had a lot of great drugs and things to keep old people alive, she lived a long and healthy life eating a ton of beef and pork fat. Heck, in this day and age with the miracles of modern medicine, she would have lived to be 100.

My maternal grandfather lived off greasy diner food and hot dogs, three packs of cigarettes a day (until his mid sixties when he developed emphysema), and died in his mid eighties of liver failure -- he never drank alcohol. Go figure.

My grandparent's kitchen always had a coffee can of bacon grease by the stove.

My maternal grandfather lived off greasy diner food and hot dogs, three packs of cigarettes a day (until his mid sixties when he developed emphysema), and died in his mid eighties of liver failure -- he never drank alcohol. Go figure.

My grandparent's kitchen always had a coffee can of bacon grease by the stove.

Yeah my grandma smoked Kool cigarettes and drank daily up until she died.
I make a sweet cornbread (which some people despise), and I grease my pan/baking dish with bacon grease. It adds a nice hint of bacon flavor to the cornbread.

I love sweet cornbread. Not sure about the bacon grease with it. I'll probably stick to butter.
I've still got this image in my head of a piece of vanilla cake swimming in pool of bacon grease...
I use melted bacon fat in my pancake recipe all the time, with a local whisky maple syrup. Use bacon fat as part of the fat content in the cake mix and maybe those images will go away.
I use melted bacon fat in my pancake recipe all the time, with a local whisky maple syrup. Use bacon fat as part of the fat content in the cake mix and maybe those images will go away.
I understand the concept of what you are saying. I got it the first time. But I'm a very literal person, lol. You said:
What doesn't taste better in bacon fat? lol
In bacon fat :laugh:
Whatever garlichead said is true. I've used goose fat in pancakes and the results were pretty good, as we shouldn't eat the same stuff everyday, we should change our fat from time to time. They're all differently structured and by mixing through the fats, your body can discover something new.
Whatever garlichead said is true. I've used goose fat in pancakes and the results were pretty good, as we shouldn't eat the same stuff everyday, we should change our fat from time to time. They're all differently structured and by mixing through the fats, your body can discover something new.
I don't have a problem with bacon (or other) fat being an ingredient.

Yes, I rarely eat the same thing every day at any meal.
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