Forum GOD!
I try to ignore it every year. I suffered through it with cheer and feigned joy when the kids were young, but now I don't bother with the pretense. To me, if I feel like giving a gift or doing something nice for someone it is sporadic at any given time of the year. I've always felt that way.I'm of a mind to pretty well ignore Christmas this year. As long as I'm stocked up on booze it will be fine. I always have enough food. We abandoned present giving last Christmas (no visitors fue to Covid). My kids are all grown up and there are no grandchildren and to be honest, they can ill afford to spend money on presents. I very much doubt the kids will come here for Christmas dinner as I simply don't feel safe in an enclosed environment with others. They both work in jobs where they interact with the public.
Sorry if I sound negative. I'm not really, as I've never been keen on Christmas so its a relief not to bother! The worst aspect is the TV becomes virtually unwatchable during the Christmas period.
I think I will try to find a way to get out of town and go somewhere warm (safely, of course).