Easter food & drink traditions

Is going be strange Easter as will be Ray an I alone with out all family. I will make either Lasagne Carnevale may be Cosciotto D' Agnelo Alla Lisetta, I will make Easter trifle I post other day and certain make Pastiera.
We likely have chocolate eggs each, is usual play game with grand children we hide egg round house but no this time. No service Easter Sunday so I maybe see if Il Papa will stream mass.

Sarana x
We're usually in Cyprus for the tail end of the Easter celebrations - it's huge over there. There is even talk about postponing Easter until the end of May, but I'm not sure that idea will get past the bishops, who are not known for their progressive thinking.
Is going be strange Easter as will be Ray an I alone with out all family. I will make either Lasagne Carnevale may be Cosciotto D' Agnelo Alla Lisetta, I will make Easter trifle I post other day and certain make Pastiera.
We likely have chocolate eggs each, is usual play game with grand children we hide egg round house but no this time. No service Easter Sunday so I maybe see if Il Papa will stream mass.

Sarana x

Hope you and Ray will still enjoy it.
We don't "celebrate" Easter in any religious way, but we do usually take the opportunity to have a family get-together. This year we were planning on skipping the family (as we had big family birthday party at the beginning of March) and were planning on getting away in our new motorhome. Obviously neither of those plans are going to be happening this year :cry:

Yes, but the ads and the products are available starting in February and go through April, so when the weekend itself arrives, it's already been Easter-this and Easter-that and I usually miss the actual weekend. I'm the one always asking, "Is Easter this weekend or next weekend?" :)
Easter eggs start appear in the shops here around January....they pretty much take over when Christmas stops. But its almost impossible for us to miss when Easter is because its the best bank holiday of the year with a 4 day weekend :woot:
But its almost impossible for us to miss when Easter is because its the best bank holiday of the year with a 4 day weekend :woot:

For lots now its a permanent bank holiday. Which ought to be good but isn't. :(

Easter lamb is a tradition in the UK and I used to cook a shoulder or leg in the past. Now there are only two of us so its too much. I'll have to stick to hot cross buns unless I can think of something else.
For lots now its a permanent bank holiday. Which ought to be good but isn't. :(

Easter lamb is a tradition in the UK and I used to cook a shoulder or leg in the past. Now there are only two of us so its too much. I'll have to stick to hot cross buns unless I can think of something else.
Ciao MG,
Try Pastiera!


Sarana x
For lots now its a permanent bank holiday. Which ought to be good but isn't. :(
I appreciate that I'm fortunate to still have my normal (low health risk) job, but its actually starting to get quite hard to deal with the constant worry about family on top of the usual work stresses and extra complications caused the by the current situation. Plus it seems to be assumed that everyone has lots of spare time now so it doesn't matter if you need to queue for ages to get into a supermarket - which is definitely not the case for us. So for those of us working full time from home, bank holidays are still incredibly important and to say that we're looking forward to this coming long weekend is an understatement as I'm exhausted. Sorry...went a bit off topic!

Back on topic...... we're having a shoulder of pork this year. Lamb is more traditional, but the local smallholding who we prefer to buy our meat from only has beef and pork. Its shame that I don't have any apple sauce to go with the pork, and not much chance of getting any either. I'm proud of myself that I actually thought ahead and got a 12 pack of Cadburys Creme Eggs in my last Ocado delivery which I've hidden away (so hubby doesn't scoff them all in one go) and I've been doling them out occasionally when we need a treat - they should last us until Easter :okay: I also got some hot cross buns - one pack of which I've frozen so we can have them too.

Apart from that, I'll probably bake a cake of some kind (haven't decided which yet). I'd also love to try Windigo's Kerststol, and if I can get some more flour then I might give it a go - we love Stollen and it looks pretty similar.
for those of us working full time from home, bank holidays are still incredibly important and to say that we're looking forward to this coming long weekend is an understatement as I'm exhausted. Sorry...went a bit off topic!

Its OK I understand completely. I was listening to the radio earlier talking about how people working from home are trying to care for their kids and work at the same time which is simply not possible if your kids are very young.

I actually thought ahead and got a 12 pack of Cadburys Creme Eggs in my last Ocado delivery

I'll pass on that one! Cadburys Creme Eggs are something which I can't abide.

Shoulder of pork sounds good. Can you not get any apples to make apple sauce? I suppose if you have everything else you, aren't and shouldn't (and won't want to!) make a special trip to get some. Maybe you can improvise a substitute for apple sauce from what you have.
MrsDangermouse - re the lack of apple sauce I was wondering if you had rhubarb on your allotment. If so it makes a great sauce for pork.
Oooh yes we do! The Timperley Early has come through really strongly and I was thinking of harvesting some this weekend. I hadn't heard of pork and rhubarb, but I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks!
Oooh yes we do! The Timperley Early has come through really strongly and I was thinking of harvesting some this weekend. I hadn't heard of pork and rhubarb, but I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks!

The rhubarb acts as a sweet/sour agent with the pork - a bit like apple sauce does. There's loads of recipes out there if you google: from Nigel Slater's Straightforward one: Nigel Slater uses rhubarb as a zesty alternative to apple ...www.theguardian.com › lifeandstyle › feb › rhubarb-polenta-cake
To this more complex one from NYT: Roast Pork With Spiced Rhubarb Recipe
The rhubarb acts as a sweet/sour agent with the pork - a bit like apple sauce does. There's loads of recipes out there if you google: from Nigel Slater's Straightforward one: Nigel Slater uses rhubarb as a zesty alternative to apple ...www.theguardian.com › lifeandstyle › feb › rhubarb-polenta-cake
To this more complex one from NYT: Roast Pork With Spiced Rhubarb Recipe
I must try this next time we have roast pork. Agree with the flavour balancing - by coincidence I have some slices of Bramley apple that have been pickling since first thing this morning. They are to go on pork burgers tonight, possibly with some blue cheese as well.
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