Eating with unfamiliar utensils

Its not very common in the UK but I think there are some places like this. There was a great place in Holborn, London many many decades ago which made top notch food but served self service. La Tavola Calda was I think the name. They had tables like this.

First thing I thought when I saw that photo was - everyone in the photo is overweight! Sorry...
The loaf of bread on the table isn't.
Ha ha - I didn't spot that. There is another on the counter. Is this something they do in restaurants like this - have bread in packets on the tables?

Yes. Some people like to make sandwiches with their brisket. Not my thing.

I'm sure things are WAY different right now due to Covid.

(And yes, Texas has a bit of an obesity problem -- salads are what food eats)

We have a lot of beer halls and beer gardens around here - same setup. I don't prefer it, but you do what you gotta do.

I enjoy it, because I usually meet some interesting people. But, when I travel alone for business, I always eat my good meals at the restaurant's bar -- for the same reason. Conversations start, and your'e not eating alone, anymore.

That is probably similar to Pub life, at least as I remember it.

Yes. Some people like to make sandwiches with their brisket. Not my thing.

I'm sure things are WAY different right now due to Covid.

(And yes, Texas has a bit of an obesity problem -- salads are what food eats)


It's interesting to see how others do things. I have been to a bajillion restaurants and I've never seen communal seating or loaves of bread on tables like that. I would think that's way too close for comfort, but, I'm generally allergic to people. ;-0
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I enjoy it, because I usually meet some interesting people. But, when I travel alone for business, I always eat my good meals at the restaurant's bar -- for the same reason. Conversations start, and your'e not eating alone, anymore.

That is probably similar to Pub life, at least as I remember it.

I think the unspoken pub rule is - standing at the bar, you're up for conversation. If you want to be left alone, sit at a table/booth/cubbyhole.

I'm generally a cubbyhole guy. I like to hide out. :)
I think the unspoken pub rule is - standing at the bar, you're up for conversation. If you want to be left alone, sit at a table/booth/cubbyhole.

I'm generally a cubbyhole guy. I like to hide out. :)
I never converse with bar patrons unless they engage me first.
One of my favorite bars is the Carthay Circle at California Adventure.
Only seats 6 and 4 of the stools are uncomfortable.

The bartenders are more than drink pourers, everything is done with panache'. They have training classes every week. Custom drinks, special glasses, just excellent.
People I encounter are either huddled down and enjoying a drink and being away from the mad rush outside, or happy people that want to mingle n chat.

The nicer that one dresses, the more it is that people want to talk to you.

Brits are the world class travelers and do they ever love to chat. Ya keep the subject on them, always throw the conversation back and it'll be a fun experience. "Is it safe to visit Hollywood? They ask. " Just act British and you'll be fine" I reply.
Former Iron curtain country folk, even those born after the fall most often seem to have a chip on their shoulder.


Carthay Circle Lounge. Trouble is the bar food is a separate bar menu and not for me.
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I enjoy it, because I usually meet some interesting people. But, when I travel alone for business, I always eat my good meals at the restaurant's bar -- for the same reason. Conversations start, and your'e not eating alone, anymore.

That is probably similar to Pub life, at least as I remember it.


I miss smoking, here it was banned 20? Years ago from bars, I was a smoker then, and met a lot of people having a smoke outside, I love talking so I always ended up,talking to new people. I still miss those days.

The old Binions in Downtown Las Vegas was great when the old man ran it.
Huge bar at the top of the building and the junk elevator ride to it that topped any amusement park ride. Scare the hell out of you.
A bartender named Jules that had 4 turquoise rings on each finger and gold teeth.

Can no longer eat at the bar since Benny Binion died.
They have a chicken fried lobster I used to order.
I miss that.
To the topic of eating utensils. I learned how to use chop sticks and was somewhat proficient. in '04 I was in a near fatal accident. Both bones in my right, dominate arm, were broken and had to be repaired with titanium plates and screws. Serious nerve damage. It is now my stupid hand. i can not use chop sticks. :(
In '93 I spent 3 weeks in London. I had dinner with locals and was asked why I cut my meat with knife in right hand, fork in left hand then transferred fork to right hand to eat. HMMMM. Because Emily Post said that was the proper way to dine. FREEDOM!! Who cares? I don't. I cut my meat with the knife in my right hand and eat my meat with a fork in my left hand. Thank you friends across the pond for making me see how ridiculous the so called PROPER way to eat was.
I have an issue with spaghetti. I am guilty on two points. I use a fork and a spoon to twirl log noodles. My big naughty - when I make spaghetti or other long noodles at home I break them in half. :oops: Sorry to all of the pasta perfectionist.
To the topic of eating utensils. I learned how to use chop sticks and was somewhat proficient. in '04 I was in a near fatal accident. Both bones in my right, dominate arm, were broken and had to be repaired with titanium plates and screws. Serious nerve damage. It is now my stupid hand. i can not use chop sticks. :(
In '93 I spent 3 weeks in London. I had dinner with locals and was asked why I cut my meat with knife in right hand, fork in left hand then transferred fork to right hand to eat. HMMMM. Because Emily Post said that was the proper way to dine. FREEDOM!! Who cares? I don't. I cut my meat with the knife in my right hand and eat my meat with a fork in my left hand. Thank you friends across the pond for making me see how ridiculous the so called PROPER way to eat was.
I have an issue with spaghetti. I am guilty on two points. I use a fork and a spoon to twirl log noodles. My big naughty - when I make spaghetti or other long noodles at home I break them in half. :oops: Sorry to all of the pasta perfectionist.

I'm knife right and fork left, can't do chopsticks, tried and tried, gave up. Love noodles and have been known to eat with scissors for cutting the never ending stream. :)

I'm knife right and fork left, can't do chopsticks, tried and tried, gave up. Love noodles and have been known to eat with scissors for cutting the never ending stream. :)

So, I'm just trying to figure out where scissors go in a place-setting. :)
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