Eggs - Nature's Perfect Food. How do you use them?

Then you won’t be surprised to know I was a little taken aback the first time I saw tomatoes, mushrooms, and beans at my first breakfast buffet in Britain. Except for the beans, I like it. But it’s things like this that led to the colonies breaking off from you in the first place!

Ha Ha ..

The only way I like my beans are soaked over night or in case of lentils, 2 hours soaked and in a Mediterranean Stew ..
Beans do not belong in a British breakfast. I wonder when it became popular? That and hash browns. I will research.


Have a nice weekend and good luck with your research ..

Each culture has their own " authentic classics and traditions " ..
Hash browns!

I didn't have a clue what they were until I was 30!

Exactly. Well I think I first had them when I went to London for university so in my late teens/early twenties. I'm just preparing a birthday lunch for ,my mum so I am going to quiz my parents about breakfasts. I have seen something about beans being promoted during the war. I'll do a thread once I've read more and quizzed my parents.
Don't forget...........

I first discovered this in South Wales in '69.

Cheese, eggs and beans on toast. Still eat it occasionally to this day.

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And there is something I do (must take photo) which is 'cheese on egg on mustard on ham on toast'. Tricky to do as you have to get the cheese melted over the top but retain the yolk as runny underneath.
Eggs cocotte, especially with duxelles and gruyere.

Spinach salad with sauteed mushrooms, thinly sliced red onion, hard boiled eggs, and a hot bacon dressing.

Something I've wanted to try, egg yolk raviolo. I'll get around to that some day.
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Yes, there sre several variations, some with just the still runny yolk, some in a bed of seasoned ricotta, some in a bed of grated potato with or without ham or bacon pieces, probably more.
Yes, there sre several variations, some with just the still runny yolk, some in a bed of seasoned ricotta, some in a bed of grated potato with or without ham or bacon pieces, probably more.

I really want to try this too. Another thing on my ever growing 'Things to cook' list!
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