Enjoying the weather

3 Jul 2014
Local time
2:38 AM
I just love this time of year. Right now where I live, we are experiencing some lovely cool temperatures. It is a welcome change from the hot humid conditions of the summer. Apart from the cool temperatures, we are getting some intermittent high breezes, but not dangerously high. On occasion, we also get some light rain showers. It is really enjoyable weather. We do not get wintry weather here, just the right amount of coolness.

How are you enjoying the weather where you live?
Badly is probably the best answer. We have just had another storm hit the UK overturning lorries, closing roads, leaving thousands of homes without power... So the usual winter weather in the UK really :mad:. One minute it is warm, wet and windy, the next it is cold, snowy and windy... The only really difference seems to be the atomic state that the water is in when it is thrown at you!









Northern Ireland



See Wales managed sunshine for a while after the storm had cleared! :whistling:
Well the latest round of gales came through overnight and we are back to peace and quiet again, which is basically birds twittering in the rain here! Quite nice really. :whistling:

Apparently the current weather pattern is to do with the Gulf Stream being much lower down the globe than usual for this time of year and instead of sitting north of the UK it is actually over us instead, hence the disruption.

Rumour, otherwise known as a weather forecast, days we have a few days off before the next gales blow through.:roflmao:
Well it seems like you are really having it rough over there where the weather is concerned. From what I have been seeing on television, other parts of the world have also been experiencing these kinds of catastrophes because of the weather patterns. I have been seeing similar photographs with overturned vehicles and downed trees etc. I guess this is the time of year that is never looked forward to in those places. I suppose you would just have to enjoy the days in between when it is quieter.
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