Evil Spammer on Facebook?!!

Well, if you are anything like me, You will be happy you did it. I don't miss FB one little bit.

I'm thinking the same thing! I tried to put in a new mobile phone# & they frigging refused it!! I've just about had it with them & their crap!! :mad:
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I still do Instagram, because I still do the occasional dinner/event. I gave up twitter years ago. Far too many idiots with idiotic opinions, blithely telling us how they´d change the world.
I´m still on FB, but mostly for family things.
True story coming up. I was in town a few years ago with my bro and as we approached the street corner, there were three (very) young mums there. The conversation went something like:
"Wocha goin a do now then, Lucy?"
"I dunno - I fink I´m gonna get a sanwich from Greggs fer dinner.
(Aside, in a high-pitched shriek: " JAYDEN!! COME ´ERE! COME ´ERE!!!")
" You goin back ome then?"
" Yeah, fink so. Gotta get the bus"
" Awright - I gotta meet Darren down the pub. Catch up wiv you later on Facebook"
"Yeah. Bye, Stacey!"

I don´t follow Jayden or Stacey, mind you.
A trusted friend of mine has worked out the problems that I was having while trying to get back into Facebook. She told me to wait for 24 hours to see if her 'magic' works. Said that she'd try it again if it doesn't. She managed to do it from her own account. Hopefully, it works!! :whistling:
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Good news!! I'm back on Facebook again! Whatever my friend did, it worked! Just about everything I had, I lost though. It was all cleaned up. But at least I'm back on! Took about a week to get back in!! Also, I blocked the guy who hacked my account. All of his profiles!!!! :whistling:
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I just abandoned my FB account about 6 years ago. It was making me hate everyone. I still do Insta, but widely steer clear of anything even vaguely political. I left Twitter after my second suspension, but with the new regime, I may give it one more shot.
Not a big Elon Musk fan...he's such a hypocrite.
Good news!! I'm back on Facebook again! Whatever my friend did, it worked! Just about everything I had, I lost though. It was all cleaned up. But at least I'm back on! Took about a week to get back in!! Also, I block the guy who hacked my account. All of his profiles!!!! :whistling:
I honestly believe you may have been happier without it. Best wishes though.
I honestly believe you may have been happier without it. Best wishes though.

I've been a Facebook member for years, & I'm not about to let some spamming & hacking punk stop ME from being there!! I will NEVER trust him ever again!! :mad: :unsure:
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Some scammers are easy. One did send me emails, he was REALLY REALLY HONEST the prince of an African country like Zambia :rolleyes:
Asked me about my IBAN and wanted to send memoney for free.
That's a popular scam some old woman fell for.

In china the scammers are way more subtle, blend in super stealthy but when you know the rules they won't get you. On YouTube are several videos on how to detect scammers
Yeah, but they can do things happening. Some send messages on your phone almost looking like a real message from your bank.... you type your pw and just lost your bank account. It's working good in China, because there're just a few banks.
The scammers are using the tiny bit of trust, you put into your bank and the need of some moments of recovery after a long stressful shift
Some scammers are easy. One did send me emails, he was REALLY REALLY HONEST the prince of an African country like Zambia :rolleyes:
Asked me about my IBAN and wanted to send memoney for free.
That's a popular scam some old woman fell for.

In china the scammers are way more subtle, blend in super stealthy but when you know the rules they won't get you. On YouTube are several videos on how to detect scammers

Yeah, I was told that when my account was spammed & hacked, that the info on it was sold to someone in China!! :eek:
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