Sweet, delicious and creamy bananas are a favorite food for everyone, irresistible and attractive for babies to adults.
Banana is also known as “heavenly fruit” because it contains many vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and fiber. These include magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, vitamins A, B6, folic acid, vitamin C and many others. They have a high-energy, value thanks to fructose, which is easily assimilated during digestion.
Medical & Healing Benefits of Bananas
1 Bananas contain vitamin B6, which is a key element against stress.
2 Bananas are fruit rich in potassium and low sodium value, which is a perfect combination to combat high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.
3 Eating bananas helps prevent kidney cancer, protect the eyes from macular degeneration and builds strong bones.
4 The high level of potassium in bananas helps you stay focused and encourage the work or learning.
5 They reduce the symptoms of PMS.
6 Bananas prevent anemia because of the high level of iron.
7 Eating bananas protected from possible muscle cramps during exercise or sleep at night.
8 They are rich in antioxidants, protect against free radicals and chronic diseases.
9 Eating bananas between meals helps to stabilize blood sugar level and reduces the disgust appearance.
10 The inside of the banana shell reduces itching and irritation caused by insect bites. The bananas shell is also good to treat warts.
More to come. Cheers