Family and food.

Hearing your story makes me angry. I want to reach out and touch someone .
Bless you sweet lady
You survived what no child should ever have to live with
My Father was an abusive alcoholic for all of my childhood and 2 decades of adulthood
I know about abuse
After Dad finally got sober he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for his sins.
I have ZERO tolerance for abuse in any way, shape or form.
We, his family, were able to forgive him. He was our Dad
We loved him
Sober he was an amazing man and a very loving father. I miss him
I am glad that you have found peace and a way to express your love through cooking. I do the same. I love my family through the food I cook.

Hey that's great that your dad learned and bettered himself.

Unfortunately my mom has Munchhausen by proxy and my dad is a Narcissist, and they have not learned. Yes, they are diagnosed. I am their only child and my childhood was pretty bad. But I recovered so well that two years ago my psychiatrist declarered me officially mentally stable. So we can all overcome what haunts us if we do the work. It took ten years but I am here, the only thing giving me trouble sometimes is my eating disorder. Unfortunately my parents don't share my wish to learn and grow or connect.
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