My family history is a bit complicated. My Dad was born in 1903 and his birth was registered to an address in Barking. Apparently, however, in those days births were usually registered to the mother's home address and not necessarily the actual place of birth. It was only in the 1960's that my Dad learnt that he was actually born at Warley Hospital in Brentwood, Essex. As my grandfather was in the Essex Regiment stationed at Warley, we assume that this was the hospital attached to the barracks and not the lunatic asylum of the same name! We do know that he fought at Mafeking, and he was mentioned in a book about the army in Essex. Dad was one of 16 children, all but 4 of whom survived into adulthood. Only the wife of one of my uncles is still alive now, and she is well into her 90s. Very little is known about my grandfather, although he was living in West Ham prior to 1899 when he married my grandmother. Her family came from Cambridgeshire. My great-great-grandfather was born about 1830 and my great-great-grandmother in about 1829. My greatgrandmother was born in 1861 and was then the youngest of 9 children. She did however have younger siblings, but we do not know how many. My grandmother was born in 1882.
My mother was born in 1907; she was one of 7. Her father was in the Royal Navy (he started off as a stoker) and apparently she was born at the Royal Naval Hospital in Gillingham. My grandmother was living in Gillingham at the time, but we believe he was away at sea. They lived for a while near Sunningdale and Windsor Great Park, and were friends with The Prince and Princess of Wales (later King George V and Queen Mary). I remember seeing photos of him with them, and letters, but don't know what happened to them. He and my grandmother lived in Bow for a while when my Mum was young, and then they moved to Chigwell Row. By this time he had retired from the navy and owned a newsagents in the village. One of her sisters used to work in a large ?manor house nearby, where she used to do all the embroidery. My Mum married her first husband in about 1927. My brother was born in 1929, and my sisters in 1934 and 1936. Their father died in the early 1940s. I know very little about him. No one could trace the immediate side of his family back. My Mum never really said anything about him except that during the war they had a car and had unlimited supplies of petrol (!). There weren't even any photos. Even my brother who would have been a teenager when he died knew nothing about him other than as his father, and even asked me if Mum had ever told me anything. Mum worked at Kelsey Hayes in Dagenham and it was there that she met my Dad.