I can't think of any fast-food chain I
wouldn't eat at. KFC is probably my least favorite overall, but I'll even eat there.
I think McD's breakfast is the worst of the lot, but I also think they're the only fast-food chain to offer pancakes and a "traditional" platter breakfast, meaning eggs, potatoes, and meat as opposed to just sandwiches on bagels, croissants, and biscuits. I rarely eat breakfast at a fast-food place, though.
Overall, though, I like them. They're like a candy bar or a doughnut - bad for you, but a nice treat from time to time.
I remember probably in 1990, McD's ran a special price rollback, where they were selling regular hamburgers and cheeseburgers at 1950's prices, so something like a nickel and a dime, respectively, for the weekend, some kind of anniversary promotion or something.
I went in, ordered 10 cheeseburgers and pop, probably cost me $2 if that, and sat right there and ate them all, one after another. That was a good day.
Another time, had to be 1996, because of where we were living, we were sitting in the apartment and an Arby's "5 For $5" ad came on, and I said, "I'm so hungry, I could eat all five of those!"
MrsTasty replied, "Don't be stupid, you cannot!"
Out to Arby's right around the corner, back in the apartment, and I ate four before she took the last one.