Forum GOD!
It appears my attempt at wit is missing the target - I must need more coffee. Unless, of course, you are toying with me, in which case I should add a little whiskey to the coffee!I have no idea about what they both mean![]()
It appears my attempt at wit is missing the target - I must need more coffee. Unless, of course, you are toying with me, in which case I should add a little whiskey to the coffee!I have no idea about what they both mean![]()
It appears my attempt at wit is missing the target - I must need more coffee. Unless, of course, you are toying with me, in which case I should add a little whiskey to the coffee!
It appears my attempt at wit is missing the target - I must need more coffee. Unless, of course, you are toying with me, in which case I should add a little whiskey to the coffee!
Phew, not a total waste of effort then!I understood.
OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder so its a play on that theme. As if someone has an OCD to get things in the correct order including the acronym for the disorder.
Off topic by the way!
The first Christmas Mrs B and I were together. I was cooking and Mrs B was channel surfing in the living room. I looked in from time to time and noticed she was watching The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston. At dinner she asked me was the story real ( she was at school in Tito's era ) I replied it was a Hollywood adaption of the bible story. She replied we were never taught the bible in school and asked me why people believe it. I had no answer and still don't.
It was compulsory to have RI lessons in the UK. I realized the benefits when I was 13 yrs old. The RI teacher was very attractive, mini skirts were in fashion but tights were not commonly worn. The sight of her seated exposing her stocking tops and creamy thighs whilst reading the scriptures is a fragrant memory. She called me butter fingers because I kept dropping my pen.We had bible studies for two hours a week with mr mcclatchey (wtf) a little meek mild mouse, the boys ran riot over him. I still remember him by name and wasting time on us heathens,lol.
Filmed in my home town. I walk/drive past most of the set daily!I always watch "A Christmas Carol," by Charles Dickens. I never miss it. I like the George C Scott version.