Favorite Movies

Re-watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen last night for shoots and giggles. I really do love that movie, though I am a big fan of Terry Gilliam so it may taint my thoughts on the flick. I love the imagery, wardrobes, silliness and it has a great cast.

When I read this post of yours, I immediately thought about the movie - "Amadeus."
February is definitely the coldest month of the year, but take heart as March is just over 3 weeks away and things will start to warm up. Oddly, I noticed a tree the other day when I went for groceries that is in full bloom.

This morning's Breakfast will be a Jimmy Dean Croissant, a Banana and Coffee.

The Breakfast movie will be "Something Wicked This Way Comes", a movie that is so overlooked by so many, but is a very good and enjoyable sinister evil film that makes it a good Halloween movie.

Mid-day, the movie I selected is "Star Wars VI, Return of The Jedi."

And for me, I chose for the late night movie - "Sudden Impact."
Good morning foodies ...

The Breakfast movie for me will be "War Games" with Mathew Broderick.

Mid-day, I plan to watch "The Bounty" with Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins and a lot of Polynesian beauties.

The late nighter I have planned will be "Conan The Destroyer."
For some inexplicable reason, I have had the movie "Thelma and Louise" lodged in my brain - and I don't have it in my collection.
I went to bed early and got up early. It's 11:50pm and I decided to watch a movie, the 1984 version of "Dune."
Back awake after getting back to sleep.

My three movies for today will be "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom", "The Killing Fields" and for the late night movie - "Star Trek III, The Search for Spock."
Started watching Kelly's Heroes. (I usually have many intervals between, for my work. Movie is the interval from work).
Bombing the bridge scene prompted me to tell you a story about "Bridge on the River Kwai", a film you all have seen or at least heard about, but embedded with a background story most probably none of you have heard about.

Bridge on the River Kwai was shot in Sri Lanka, and the famous bridge was built across the river in "Kitulgala." Those days there was no bridge for people to cross over to the main road and to go to the city. They had either to swim across the river, or to use a boat, both of which was impractical during the rainy seasons.

Then came the news of a new foreign film, and the news of a new bridge to be built. The producers knew about the situation through their local agents, and did they make the most out of it! They told the people of Kitulgala that the bridge will be left for them after shooting the film. Everyone started working free, and supplied materials free as much as possible. Producers didn't have to spend for labour and other costs, as people willingly offered every possible help.

On the day of the last scene the villagers were impatient to own their own bridge, and all of a sudden they saw that the bridge was blown off and with that their dreams. It is said that the people of Kitulgala cried that day and an atmosphere of a funeral prevailed for days.

Today Kitulgala is the most famous white water rafting scene in Sri Lanka, but people still tell you the story of a broken promise and a broken dream.
Good Morning to all.

I have the following movies lined up for my day ...

Breakfast: "The Terminator"
Mid-day: "Tightrope" - this is a Clint Eastwood Cop movie.
Late Night: "Brazil" - this one is a British Fantasy movie that, if you haven't seen it, you should. It's comical and an amusing story line and plot.
For some inexplicable reason, I have had the movie "Thelma and Louise" lodged in my brain - and I don't have it in my collection.

I went ahead and ordered "Thelma & Louise" yesterday, along with "Amadeus", "The Ballad of Cable Hogue" and the 1965 epic "Genghis Khan." This last movie "Genghis Khan" was proving difficult to find, but finally, it showed up at Walmart's Online Movies. Walmart gives free shipping for orders of $35 USD or more, so "The Ballad of Cable Hogue" got tossed onto the order, after looking for Sam Peckinpah movies that I did not have.
Watched "Tijuana Jackson: Purpose Over Prison." I mean, tried to watch. But the whole film has been filmed by someone running. I hate the films filmed as if people were fighting for the camera while shooting. It makes me nauseated. Deleted after the first few minutes. Showed me yet again the importance of watching a trailer before downloading a film.
I went ahead and ordered "Thelma & Louise" yesterday, along with "Amadeus", "The Ballad of Cable Hogue" and the 1965 epic "Genghis Khan." This last movie "Genghis Khan" was proving difficult to find, but finally, it showed up at Walmart's Online Movies. Walmart gives free shipping for orders of $35 USD or more, so "The Ballad of Cable Hogue" got tossed onto the order, after looking for Sam Peckinpah movies that I did not have.
Started downloading "Thelma & Louise" and "The Ballad of Cable Hogue"
Started downloading "Thelma & Louise" and "The Ballad of Cable Hogue"

I think you'll really enjoy "Thelma & Louise." I can't say about "The Ballad of Cable Hogue", as I have never seen it before.
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