Favorite Movies

Yes, I have this movie. There are about three movies out there that all relate to commandos blowing up Rommel's ammo dumps in North Africa and also, a pair of large guns like those in "The Guns of Navarrone."

I watched "Guns of Navarone" for the umpteenth time about a week ago!
I got a new movie today, an older classic, - "The Pride of The Yankees." It stars Gary Cooper as Lou Gherig, and the legendary 'Babe' Ruth as himself, with a couple other baseball players from the period, actually, the year after Lou Gherig's death, 1942.

I consider this a sports category movie, although it's also a biography for Lou Gherig who suffered a debilitating disease (amytrophic lateral scerosis) which was given his name, Lou Gherig's disease. The disease began to effect his performance on the baseball field in 1938 and got progressively worse, ending his life in 1941.
I just ordered a movie that I remember from some time back and was impressed with, - "Chocolat."

This is a very nice food drama related to chocolate recipes created by a woman who visits a rural French town with her daughter. She opens a chocolate shop in the town, but its people are steeped in religious tradition and present a difficult case for her business.

It's a great movie.
Who have been/are your favorite movie sex symbols?
For me, I think these women fit the bill ...

Kim Basinger
Jaqueline Bisset
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Sophia Loren
Ann Margaret
Tanya Roberts
Raquel Welch

That's in last name alphabetical order.
For me, I think these women fit the bill ...

Kim Basinger
Jaqueline Bisset
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Sophia Loren
Ann Margaret
Tanya Roberts
Raquel Welch

That's in last name alphabetical order.

What happened to Brigitte and Marilyn?
I would add Ingrid Bergman to my original list.
Brigette Bardot and Marilyn Monroe? I said favorites and there not among my favorites. But yes, they are hot.

You didn't specify that they had to be good actresses.

Unfortunately, Tina Turner was never a good actress.
I received the movie "Chocolat" today and watched it. This is a wonderful food related movie.
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