Sometime today, the extreme Flight Day movie will be "Robinson Crusoe On Mars."
I really want to watch "Marnie", but am struggling to find it in good quality here in Portugal.The breakfast movie today is "Marnie."
Later today, I'll be watching "The Night of The Iguana." I like this movie a lot. What has that got to do with the price of rice in China? Not a thing.
Marnie torrentI really want to watch "Marnie", but am struggling to find it in good quality here in Portugal.
Thank youMarnie torrent
If you can download, this will be decent enough to watch on a computer or a tab. At the time of posting this there are 8 seeders.
Repulsion is one of my favorite movies.The choice of movie this morning is "Cincinnati Kid" starring Steve McQueen.
Later today, the 4th James Bond Movie, "Thunderball" will do while preparing my third Recipe Challenge entry and this evening, a really fantastic movie that perhaps, many have never heard of "Repulsion."
If you've never watched "Repulsion" before, I highly recommend this thriller.
The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies, so good!For breakfast today, the movie is "The Sound of Music" with Julie Andrews.
Later today while doing another Recipe Challenge, I'll be watching "Von Ryan's Express" and if there is time, the late movie will be "Fantastic Voyage" with Raquel Welch.
The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies, so good!
That and "The Ten Commandments" tie as my wife's favorite movies.For breakfast today, the movie is "The Sound of Music" with Julie Andrews.
That and "The Ten Commandments" tie as my wife's favorite movies.
We were on holiday in Austria in the 1990's and had the nicest, sweetest tour guide showing us around, and she'd taken us to some estate or whatever where they'd done some of the filming. Apparently, it's privately owned, but people were allowed to walk parts of the grounds.
MrsT was telling her how much she liked the movie, and how she was thrilled to be standing in the midst of one of the filming locations, and she must have impressed the tour guide, because she grabbed her hand, said, "Follow me!," and they pushed through a hedge onto the private grounds, where some scene was filmed (something to do with a gazebo, maybe? I've never seen the movie) and allowed her to get a quick pic of that.
The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies, so good!