Favorite movies?


17 Mar 2015
Local time
5:56 PM
I recently watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the movie inspired me to create this thread here (a thousand apologies if it has already been made). Spectacular movie, I recommend it to any food lover or person in general - just a really heartwarming experience.

Anyway, what are your favorite movies, guys? Some of mine are Pulp Fiction, Clerks, The Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, American Psycho (kind of a weird combination, I know). What about you? :D
I recently watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the movie inspired me to create this thread here (a thousand apologies if it has already been made). Spectacular movie, I recommend it to any food lover or person in general - just a really heartwarming experience.

Anyway, what are your favorite movies, guys? Some of mine are Pulp Fiction, Clerks, The Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, American Psycho (kind of a weird combination, I know). What about you? :D
Wasn't Gene Wilder said to have died earlier this month! Or do you mean the remake.
Wasn't Gene Wilder said to have died earlier this month! Or do you mean the remake.
Dude, you scared me! Fortunately, according to most online sources, Gene is alive and well. Anyway, I meant the original. I haven't seen the remake, but I doubt it will be as good (that's pretty much a valid statement for almost any recent remake, I'd say), even though Johnny Depp is definitely a good actor. Gene Wilder, however, is on a whole different level - that performance was simply outstanding.
Dude, you scared me! Fortunately, according to most online sources, Gene is alive and well. Anyway, I meant the original. I haven't seen the remake, but I doubt it will be as good (that's pretty much a valid statement for almost any recent remake, I'd say), even though Johnny Depp is definitely a good actor. Gene Wilder, however, is on a whole different level - that performance was simply outstanding.
It was in all the papers!
Its only this last weekend, 10 days later, that his agent has denied it.
From what I have been able to pull up on the internet, the announcement that Gene Wilder had died is a hoax. I'm standing firm on that until I see something in the newspaper. Yes, I still get the newspaper.

But back to movies. My favorite of all time is Goodfellas. Not the pick of most women, but to me, it's the perfect movie. I love movies with voice overs, and Ray Liotta kills it. I've always had a fascination with the New York mob. Okay, I'm weird.

I also love Love Actually; great cast, great ensemble acting. And Donnie Brasco. Another mob movie, but with Johnny Depp and Al Pacino. "Forget about it".

And an old black and white movie called The Best Years of our Lives about returning WWII vets. And speaking of black and white movies, All About Eve. Bette Davis shines.

A couple more, both adaptations of Stephen King novellas: The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me. I made my husband watch Stand by Me when we were still dating and he shrieked at the leach scene and wept at the ending. Yes, a big former Marine got tears in his eyes. He denied it of course.

Okay, I'm done.
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The Italian Job, Flight of The Phoenix. Origionals not the remakes.
Falling down, a shining example of the customer biting back.
Primal Fear and the Great Debaters.....Denzel in the latter and Richard Grere in the former. I could probably spend all day talking about movies but I am also terrible at remembering their names. I see some mentioned that I could watch again. Shaw Shank Redemption is one I want to revisit. Btw, the internet needs to stop killing people. Too many times I have heard someone died, get all sad then to hear the person is alive and kicking.
Primal Fear and the Great Debaters.....Denzel in the latter and Richard Grere in the former. I could probably spend all day talking about movies but I am also terrible at remembering their names. I see some mentioned that I could watch again. Shaw Shank Redemption is one I want to revisit. Btw, the internet needs to stop killing people
Reported in the printed press first though!
The internet did a "Frankenstein".
+1 for originals AND STOP making prequels to existing movies just to squeeze a few more dollars from the pot. As for my favourites I like any movie that doesn't have a great meaningfull message - if I want educating I'll go to the discovery channel. Also I've noticed that the less the critics like a movie the better it usually is.
From what I have been able to pull up on the internet, the announcement that Gene Wilder had died is a hoax. I'm standing firm on that until I see something in the newspaper. Yes, I still get the newspaper.

But back to movies. My favorite of all time is Goodfellas. Not the pick of most women, but to me, it's the perfect movie. I love movies with voice overs, and Ray Liotta kills it. I've always had a fascination with the New York mob. Okay, I'm weird.

Okay, I'm done.
I read it in a newspaper, of the paper variety, two weeks ago now.
21 and 22 jump street ,but I don't really watch much telly, I will watch half and hour on Netflix then im watching the back of my eye lids:sleep:
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