Favourite footwear

For work Georgia Boot Company work boots. Lace up roper boots. At home in the summer it’s Under Armour slides or Keens. In the winter tennis shoes or a good quality comfortable shoe.
I don't really have a favorite maker of shoes, I just know what I like when I see it, and that's what I buy.
I finally have 5 pairs of footwear.
1 pair of hiking boots
1 pair of hiking shoes
1 pair of hiking sandals
1 pair of Sloggers in shoes
1 pair of Sloggers in boots.

I've never been able to wear even the smallest heel because I, too, have hyper mobility syndrome (ligaments and tendons didn't tighten properly after birth and the slightest injury cases big problems) so simply can't wear them. Even in boots I go over on my ankles so frequently it's ridiculous.
Soles of my feet, although I wore casual lace ups to a funeral on Friday. First time I've worn long trousers and shoes together this year. I have three pair of shoes but I only wear one.

Those look just like Berkenstocks, but I don't see the Berkenstock logo. :scratchhead:


They are from Next. There are many sandals like that on sale in the UK. In fact I ordered some Berkenstocks last week because they are so recommended. I was rather upset to find they are made of plastic but cost me over £35. I should have realised because the leather ones are £120 plus. I've been trying to wear them but they are simply not as comfy as the Next ones. The top strap hurts my feet, plus I don't suppose they will 'wear in' as they are synthetic.

The last such sandals I had were from Aldi and I loved them. They cost £5.99! I still have them but the sole has split... I will take a snap.
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The last such sandals I had were from Aldi and I loved them. They cost £5.99! I still have them but the sole has split
I get more upset than I should would a favorite pair of shoes gives up the ghost and then I find that particular style isn't made any longer.

I had a wonderful pair of tweed-and-leather two-tone sneakers from Penguin...even the soles were cool, I finally wore them out, and they don't make anything like that any longer. Even though they were visible, it was knowing the soles were funky (the pattern of the tread made the image of a penguin) that I loved the most. :laugh:
They are from Next. There are many sandals like that on sale in the UK. In fact I ordered some Berkenstocks last week because they are so recommended. I was rather upset to find they are made of plastic but cost me over £35. I should have realised because the leather ones are £120 plus. I've been trying to wear them but they are simply not as comfy as the Next ones. The top strap hurts my feet, plus I don't suppose they will 'wear in' as they are synthetic.

The last such sandals I had were from Aldi and I loved them. They cost £5.99! I still have them but the sole has split... I will take a snap.

I have been buying the fake leather ones for years, now. Once I break them in, they feel great. Almost all shoes have a break-in period. BTW, I've had the real leather Berkies, and they are pretty stiff when new, too.

I had a wonderful pair of tweed-and-leather two-tone sneakers from Penguin...even the soles were cool, I finally wore them out, and they don't make anything like that any longer. Even though they were visible, it was knowing the soles were funky (the pattern of the tread made the image of a penguin) that I loved the most. :laugh:

Perhaps you have a guardian fashion angel looking out for you. :D

I have been buying the fake leather ones for years, now. Once I break them in, they feel great. Almost all shoes have a break-in period. BTW, I've had the real leather Berkies, and they are pretty stiff when new, too.


OK I'll persevere with them. But the ones from Next and the Hotter sandals (both leather) are comfy from the start.
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