Yes, I bring my own shopping bags sometimes, but they aren't insulated. For quite awhile no stores here would allow anyone to bring their own bags because of covid. I like using their boxes because I tend to put some of our recycling in them before taking stuff out to our big recycling container. We recycle way more stuff than we throw away in our house. That's one thing that drives me crazy about going to Port Arthur, they don't offer recycling in that part of Texas. In Austin they don't offer shopping bags anywhere, if you go to H.E.B, Walgreen's, etc. you have to bring something to put your purchases in.
If I lived in Texas I likely would have insulated bags too, but I live about 10 minutes from Aldi so it's really not necessary. In summer on very hot days I do tend to keep a cooler in my trunk with ice packs if I am making multiple store visits, but our "hot" days are only in the mid to high 80s usually, not like Texas style hot, so not much to worry about.
IKEA used to sell these awesome insulated shpping bags with zippered tops for 6-bucks each. I am down to my last two, and they don't sell them anymore.

The zippered tops are the best part, because without them, I know that the very last turn I make before arriving home, open top bags will tip over and scatter groceries all over the back of the car.