I got my Zwilling replacement pans delivered today! My previous set was disappointing. They gave me a free upgrade, super excited!
The first set I had for about 7 years and they were great for the first 5. The warranty was for 2 years, but I wrote them a super nice email explaining that I felt that for the price I paid (not super expensive but not cheap, either), the warranty should have been longer, and I babied those pans by never putting them in the dishwasher and never using metal utensils, etc. I expressed my great disappointment in how the ceramic coating performance did not seem up to standard with my expectations of quality products associated with their brand. I really didn't think it would go anywhere since the warranty had expired so long ago. But they sent me an airbill and asked me to send in the pots and pans so they could inspect them. I did so, and they sent me these as a replacement without hesitation. These are light years better than the previous ones and I can really tell the difference in the weight and appearance. These also have vented lids and pour spouts on the sides of most of the pots (the previous ones did not). The new ones are significantly more expensive than what I bought previously. What a great company to do this for me--their customer service is fantastic! And of course I was able to register my warranty so if I have any issues with these I can exchange them as needed. I have backup cookware of course so it's no hardship, but I suspect these will last me at least 15 years!
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PS: these will never go in the dishwasher!