Five facts about you.

Such an excellent idea, Wyshiepoo!

I wanted to read everyone's posts before posting mine, but that could take a very long time, so I'm planning to post mine, and then go back to read what I've missed (which is pages 2-9 at this point).
  1. I practiced Tae Kwon Do for 10 years, achieving the rank of second degree black belt, and taught a class for 5 years.
  2. About 3 months into my Tae Kwon Do training, I broke a bone in my left foot...but I didn't realize it until years later. I now have a lump that protrudes from the top of my left foot. This makes fitting into new shoes challenging.
  3. I did community theater for 20 years, during which I acted, directed, built sets, stage managed, did publicity, and even wrote the occasional play.
  4. My eyesight is - or was - terrible. It was measured at the equivalent of (if I recall correctly) 20:400 vision many years ago. I had Lasek surgery 20 years ago, and that was amazing for about 15 of those years. But, my eyesight started to deteriorate, and there was nothing left of my lenses for a second Lasek surgery. So, I got lens replacement surgery. My eyesight is perfect now, and it will never go bad because the lenses are synthetic.
  5. I tore my ACL playing football (soccer) about 20 years ago. My wife showed up for the first time ever to watch me play, but I was already out of the game by the time she arrived.

Point n 3 is what I also did during my 20s yo.
I am ambidextrous. As a child I was pressured to use my right hand. I can literally do anything with either hand

Yes, I had a teacher in infants school (not sure what that relates to in America, approx 5 years old to 7 years old) who was a right cow. Tried to make me write right handed. She was going to strap my left arm to my body. My mum went to school and read the riot act to them. After that this teacher would deliberately mark me down in written spelling tests as "your writing is so poor I can't tell the difference between your e's, o's and a's."
I really didn't like her and once suspected her of eating one of my school friends. He went into her office (she doubled as an assistant head/principal) and I never saw him leave. The fact that he never turned up for school the next day was the clincher for me. Eaten for sure!

Later that day she called me out in front of the class to demonstrate something and made me count something out on her fingers. All I could think of was that her fingers were fat and greasy because of eating my friend.

Yes. I had an active imagination. :D

Incidentally, I did a stint as a TV repairman (some years later obvs) and one of the customers I had to attend to was this teacher. She spent the whole time I was there locked in her bedroom and I had to speak to an intermediary. It sounds to me as though she went quite barmy in the end.
1. I write left-handed, but I play guitar right-handed, throw a ball with my right hand, and there are many other things I do with my right hand as well.
2. I was a singer in a band in my 20s and used to play piano, guitar, and trumpet as well.
3. I am the youngest of 6 children from the same parents: I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I am 5'2" and one of my sisters is 6'0".
4. I lived in Okinawa, Japan from 1967 to 1970 and apparently knew how to speak Japanese fairly well at the end of those 3 years. I only remember a few words now.
5. I got suspended from the last forum I was in, LOL, and that's how I wound up here, and I am soooo much happier now!

Here's the story: the last forum that I (and Milkduds) belonged to, the moderators participated as regular users with regular screen names, but when they had to step in or close a thread, they hid behind the name "Forum Moderator" and did not disclose their identity (user name). Only they did not do a great job of staying anonymous because of the poor design of the forum, so I and several other people knew which user names were the mods.

There was one regular forum member who constantly made disparaging remarks to others. We alerted the mods and reported the offensive posts, but the mods did not intervene. New people would join, get harassed by her, and they never came back. This forum member eventually targeted me almost exclusively, following me around from thread to thread, trolling and harassing me. I would call her out on it, and she would post more antagonizing things just to get a rise out of me. But instead of the moderators suspending her, they did nothing but close the thread and leave a vague note of admonishment about the thread being closed due to escalating negativity blah blah blah.

One day I just got sick of it and I posted in a thread expressing my frustration with the mods--and I used their screen names instead of saying, "the mods" they suspended me. The head moderator sent me a private message demanding an apology for using their screen names in order for me to be reinstated. No way that was ever going to happen!

And that's how I found my way here.

And we're glad your here, their loss,lol. I've banned myself from a few sites as well. :)

Yes, I had a teacher in infants school (not sure what that relates to in America, approx 5 years old to 7 years old) who was a right cow. Tried to make me write right handed. She was going to strap my left arm to my body. My mum went to school and read the riot act to them. After that this teacher would deliberately mark me down in written spelling tests as "your writing is so poor I can't tell the difference between your e's, o's and a's."
I really didn't like her and once suspected her of eating one of my school friends. He went into her office (she doubled as an assistant head/principal) and I never saw him leave. The fact that he never turned up for school the next day was the clincher for me. Eaten for sure!

Later that day she called me out in front of the class to demonstrate something and made me count something out on her fingers. All I could think of was that her fingers were fat and greasy because of eating my friend.

Yes. I had an active imagination. :D

Incidentally, I did a stint as a TV repairman (some years later obvs) and one of the customers I had to attend to was this teacher. She spent the whole time I was there locked in her bedroom and I had to speak to an intermediary. It sounds to me as though she went quite barmy in the end.
Being left handed was once considered evil - sinister being Latin for 'left', whereas being right handed was dexterous, dexter being Latin for 'right'. Maybe that's why you didn't get eaten like your friend.
Being left handed was once considered evil - sinister being Latin for 'left', whereas being right handed was dexterous, dexter being Latin for 'right'. Maybe that's why you didn't get eaten like your friend.

My mum was left handed, she always said she got rulers smashed on her hands for writing with the left when at school. Our daughter is a lefty as well. I believe left handed people are a wee bit smarter than right handed.? I'm right. :)

Being left handed was once considered evil - sinister being Latin for 'left', whereas being right handed was dexterous, dexter being Latin for 'right'. Maybe that's why you didn't get eaten like your friend.

Yes. I have a left-handed friend who grew up in rural Texas, and his teachers made him write with his right hand, or be punished. It was all because of stupid religious beliefs. His mother finally pulled him out of school and home schooled him.

When I used to be involved in archaeology I had an interest in pottery identification. Very often you could take a good guess as to whether the person who decorated the pot was left or right handed.
If you ask a left handed person to draw diagonal lines they will almost invariably draw them from the left down to the right.
A right handed person will do the opposite.

And that's how I found my way here.

Well us mods don't hide our identity here and I really do think that's important - I'd feel weird if I had to pretend I wasn't a mod. It would be deceptive, which is no basis for a good community. Also - I believe we act quickly whenever there is any sort of personal harassment or abuse. It doesn't happen very often but it has happened. We have had members saying 'I don't want that person posting in my thread' as if a thread they started was somehow their personal property. Also, incidents of members sending abusive PMs to other members. Please note that if this happens you can report it by using the report button. We have a warning system which usually kicks in before people get banned, but if they commit outright abuse they can be removed immediately.

I hope you stick around here JASOH1!
Left-handed people tend to be better at doing things with their right hand than right-handers are with their left. There may be deeper scientific reasons, but I suspect it's largely because most things are made for right-handed people.

When I played cricket, I bowled left-handed, but batted right. In fact, I think this is more natural because the top hand is the dominant one, so it doesn't surprise me to see so many players batting left-handed these days. Curiously, though, if I throw a ball underarm, I do it with my right hand.

I used to play snooker against a friend who was better at the game than me. We'd usually play five frames in a session and I very rarely won. Occasionally, for a bit of fun, we would play a frame with the "wrong" hand and I beat him every time.
Yes. I have a left-handed friend who grew up in rural Texas, and his teachers made him write with his right hand, or be punished. It was all because of stupid religious beliefs. His mother finally pulled him out of school and home schooled him.

It's not so very long since that kind of thing was commonplace. My father was born in 1910 and was naturally left-handed, but was forced to write with his right hand when he was at school. By the time I was around, he could write adeptly with either hand.
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