Interesting. Sounded like the voice-over was from the 60s, but that may just be my impression

Yoghurt would add smoothness to the dough and, since the yoghurt is "live", might just help to raise the dough a bit. I make a deep-fried Indian bread called bathura, which uses yoghurt, and it´s deliciously silky.
Have to admit that the final product looked a bit "stiff" to me. More akin to a Catalan "
Coca" than a pizza. Definitely nowhere near a Chicago Pizza Pie.
Curiously enough, I went to a traditional Neapolitan pizza house last night, where the crust is big and puffy, but the rest of the pizza is milimetrically thin and soft. When I asked the cook why, he said: "
Neapolitan pizza is not eaten in slices. You cut a piece, with the crust, and then roll it up. Pizza slices? Is an American thing"
And then I remember eating pizzas in Florence, Tuscany, many years ago. Great slabs of dough, cut into squares.And utterly delicious.