Food addictions

I can't get enough of chocolates! I can't end my day without it. I know it's really bad but I don't know why I always crave for it. Especially dark chocolates. I can't sleep without having even just a small bite. But I heard that dark chocolate is actually good for our body. It serves as an antioxidant plus it gives us endorphins. The happy hormone. So I think I just need to cut down on the amount so that it wont give me problems someday. But to cut it down totally, I don't think so.
I find this interesting because I can't eat hot peppers. My kids say they aren't that hot but my mouth says different. I think that a lot of people have something that they just cant get enough of. My pet thing is watermelon. I can eat a small one by myself. Especially if they are in season, not too ripe, and cold.
A sampler of theirs would be awesome! I would absolutely buy it. I haven't actually tried the maple one (the white chocolate one is my staple flavor!) but I'll have to check it out. No such thing as too much peanut butter, right?!
I'd have to try the white chocolate one then!

I thought about our conversation while I visiting NYC last week - there's a PB&Co shop/cafe and they actually do have a sampler! I believe it's for sale online too, for a decent price. I really wanted to make it there to eat some PB sandwiches but we ended up being on the opposite side of town and they closed. Heard amazing things about the place though, as expected :)
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