Food related trivia


4 Sep 2020
Local time
3:42 AM
Chicago, IL - Midwest USA
I receive a weekly newspaper that has a section for "Strange but True". I thought it might be fun for us to have a food related trivia discussion.

Here are some from the paper...

* In the Middle Ages, a man's wealth was measured by his stockpile of pepper.

* Russia only classified beer as an alcoholic drink in 2011.

* A person with geomelophagia has the urge to eat raw potatoes.

* Actual name towns in the U.S.

- Rabbit Hash (Kentucky)
- Two Egg (Florida)
- Ding Dong (Texas)
- Bacon (Delaware)

What news have your heard about food/drinks?

P.S. I don't know if this is in the correct sub-forum.
I once read a very funny one about using onions to determine if a woman was pregnant or not. An onion would be inserted into you know where overnight, and if in the next morning the woman's breath smelled of onions she was not pregnant. This is reportedly a true piece of medieval medicine.
I once read a very funny one about using onions to determine if a woman was pregnant or not. An onion would be inserted into you know where overnight, and if in the next morning the woman's breath smelled of onions she was not pregnant. This is reportedly a true piece of medieval medicine.
What did it mean if her husband's breath smelled of onions the next morning?! :eek:
What did it mean if her husband's breath smelled of onions the next morning?! :eek:
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Nice thread, right now nothing's coming to my mind, but I heard a lot of crazy/funny stuff related to food.
I have seen a lot of food decorated/shaped as the special place of the women, where onions shouldn't be put in. Then I asked someone and he knew it, the whole thing with how the brains of us men are working. Stay healthy
I once read a very funny one about using onions to determine if a woman was pregnant or not. An onion would be inserted into you know where overnight, and if in the next morning the woman's breath smelled of onions she was not pregnant. This is reportedly a true piece of medieval medicine.
That sounds like something Borat would suggest, lol. "If wife have breath of onion itza baby! Very Nice! NOT"
I once read a very funny one about using onions to determine if a woman was pregnant or not. An onion would be inserted into you know where overnight, and if in the next morning the woman's breath smelled of onions she was not pregnant. This is reportedly a true piece of medieval medicine.
A full Spanish onion, or a small shallot? This matters.

I'll get my coat.
This is hopefully an established practice all over the world and not just another piece of Portuguese silliness, but here in Portugal the elders believed stuffing aromatic herbs on babies' butts helps relieve them of constipation. Tickling babies with cabbage stalk would also work.

Follow me for more disgusting medical tips.
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