Food Without Salt

] I have had to get used to the idea of putting salt in bread when I make it and have started very low (1tsp salt per kg of flour and slowly found out what works for us which is 2tsp salt per 1kg flour).
I use 7-9g of salt per 500grams of flour. Tried reducing it but really didn't like the result (neither did anyone else).
You might be addicted to it...
I think I must be. After reading your post and @SatNavSaysStraightOn's and @Food4thought's I thought to myself, 'Gosh, I wouldn't like to be invited for dinner at any of your houses!'. Terrible, isn't it? I don't of course add salt to people's food after its plated up. That's up to them.
I MUST be addicted. I've just counted and I've got seven different types of salt! :eek: Consequently, I can't really estimate how much I use but its a whole lot more than you guys.
No, but I do things like sprinkling Himalayan sea-salt crystals (unmilled) on crisp bread. I once made bread with no salt in it and it was inedible!
you would do well I Sweden then. We came across butter with sea salt in it. Nothing wrong with that, salted butter is the norm until you realise that the sea salt is in flakes and the butter is crunchy as a result :sick::sick::sick::sick: no, it did not work at all.
I take my Japanese noodles with no salt, also ramen. I opt to have no salt on my eggs and just add butter. You can always opt out of salt when cooking if you health problems and you won't even notice it. It'll make your life better even but the food I can't live without salt is steak, salt is the life to steak you can't cook without it.
I almost never cook with salt. It just isn't necessary. Once upon a time salt was used as a preservative and because people have become used to the taste of salt in food over time many now cook with it. There are some exceptions where it does interact with other ingredients, but most table salt is actually bad for you and should not be used.
At some point I was advised by the Doctor to go off salt. I lost all desire for food preferring instead to take sugary snacks. I tried using fresh lemon with my food but the taste is just not the same. I had not realised how important something I took for granted before was in my food. I am so glad I am back to having my food with salt in it.
I grew up not salting food, my mother is a great cook and the food that was served already had a lot of flavour. It didn't need salt. When I cook I usually add just what a recipe requires for salt and not more. I'm not a big fan of oversalting food, I'm very sensitive to too much and I find it ruins a meal. That being said the only food I find really bland that needs salt is potatoes.
I grew up not salting food, my mother is a great cook and the food that was served already had a lot of flavour. It didn't need salt. When I cook I usually add just what a recipe requires for salt and not more. I'm not a big fan of oversalting food, I'm very sensitive to too much and I find it ruins a meal. That being said the only food I find really bland that needs salt is potatoes.

Potatoes do need salt (at least in the cooking water, if boiled). Bread is another example of foods that need salt. I mean that if you make bread without ay salt in the mix, its very bland and, well really not nice. The amount you need is not a lot (although it may sound it): 9 grams per 500 grams of flour. So, given that would make a loaf, the amount of salt in an average slice of bread would be perhaps .75grams. The recommended salt intake per day is 6 grams.

I rarely use salt at all in cooking. I find that for the most part, if I use herbs and spices to flavor food then I really don't miss the saltiness.

In fact, there have been times when I have eaten at restaurants and almost been unable to eat certain dishes because they tasted so salty to my tastebuds. I guess perhaps it's just something people get accustomed to - but since I don't consume it much, it seems overpowering when I do.
We need to use salt or either sugar in moderation and do not wait the time that we are already sick because of consuming too much of these things that gives flavor to our food. Eating less salt or sugar is the key. But we cannot totally avoid them because in some ways we need salt and sugar for our body processes.
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