Ken Natton
Spookily, on last night’s Drivetime Foodie Thursday feature on Radio 2, Nigel Barden did a turbot dish. Now the dish sounded great and is certainly a much simpler dish to take on than the Nathan Outlaw dish, but that’s not why I mention it. According to Nigel Barden, a 3kg fish would serve 6 people – 500g per person – and cost about £3 per head! – I suppose that means he paid around £18 for his 3 kg turbot, which doesn’t sound too bad. But I was working on a 500g fillet serving two people and working out at £7 per head. I know what you said about the 3 kg whole fish including the bone, but I’m not sure it makes that much difference. Reviewing the Nathan Outlaw recipe, he uses about 750g of turbot to serve 4. Anyway, I’m guessing Nigel Barden got his fish at a London fish market.
Actually, he offered a piece of advice about going to the fishmonger that was the second time I had heard pretty much exactly the same advice about going to your fishmonger in a few of days. And that was, don’t go with the idea of buying a specific fish, go with the idea of asking your fishmonger what he has that’s good today, and then deciding what you will do with it.
Actually, he offered a piece of advice about going to the fishmonger that was the second time I had heard pretty much exactly the same advice about going to your fishmonger in a few of days. And that was, don’t go with the idea of buying a specific fish, go with the idea of asking your fishmonger what he has that’s good today, and then deciding what you will do with it.