Foods you dislike

i know a lot of people who don´t like onions. My wife is one of them. Just cannot take them if they´re (a) raw (b) cooked al dente (c) cooked in large chunks. They make her heave.
Any dish I cook for her has to have the onions in little tiny bits and cooked to a crisp.
And there´s nothing I love more than a burger with slices of raw onion, or a cheese, beetroot and red onion sandwich :laugh: :laugh:
My wife is one of them. Just cannot take them if they´re (a) raw (b) cooked al dente (c) cooked in large chunks. They make her heave.

Does that apply to spring onions? And what about pickled onion?
Any dish I cook for her has to have the onions in little tiny bits and cooked to a crisp.

What about when you cook them down in a curry sauce?
One food I cannot like, no matter how many times I try, is mushrooms. My husband LOVES them and was devastated when I admitted to him that I’m not a fan. Every now and then, I try one, just to make sure - and yep. Still don’t like them. It’s something about the texture.
I’ve gotten to the point where I can eat them cooked, if there’s enough other stuff going on to sort of hide them - like the beef burgundy I made.

Eating a serving of sautéed mushrooms, though…nope, not gonna do it!
Spring onions, red onions, white onions, pickled onions (I don´t care cos I love them!), shallots, garlic, chives, leeks, ramps, anything oniony.
I have to blitz them when I make a curry.
My step father is exactly the same, no onions of any kind, no leeks, no chives, garlic, garlic chives, shallots and so on... not even onion powder. They make him physically sick.
It makes cooking for him impossible. I do have a number of recipes that don't have onions in them.
Prolly only 1 thing I detest and I start to retch at is tripe. Mum used to force it down .y throat with parsley sauce. I saw some in a meat cabinet the other day. I had to look away. I put my foot down at about 12yo and said I'm not eating this crap again and never did.

One food I cannot like, no matter how many times I try, is mushrooms. My husband LOVES them and was devastated when I admitted to him that I’m not a fan. Every now and then, I try one, just to make sure - and yep. Still don’t like them. It’s something about the texture.

Its funny but I went though a phase a while back when I completely went off them. It was, as you say, mainly the texture. I'm OK with them now but they aren't top of my list.
I absolutely hated mushrooms and green bell peppers when I was a kid. I remember thinking they were the worst things ever. I've grown to like mushrooms much more - a good roasted mushroom with butter and garlic and parmesan is great. Still not much of a fan of green pepper, but I can at least tolerate them.
I didn’t like green peas as a kid and still don’t. I won’t eat them unless I’m at someone’s house then I will mix it in with mash potatoes or cover it in ketchup so I can only taste the potatoes or ketchup lol
I didn’t like green peas as a kid and still don’t. I won’t eat them unless I’m at someone’s house then I will mix it in with mash potatoes or cover it in ketchup so I can only taste the potatoes or ketchup lol
I was the same when I was a kid, but it turns out my mom just overcooked those peas. I found they were rather lovely when I cooked them myself, but of course that's a matter of taste.
I was the same when I was a kid, but it turns out my mom just overcooked those peas. I found they were rather lovely when I cooked them myself, but of course that's a matter of taste.
Maybe I will try fresh green peas. I grew up with frozen or can peas. I got the idea of the ketchup from seeing my uncle who doesn’t like mashed potatoes put ketchup on them 🤣
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Oh i forgot I also hated fish as a kid until I went camping with my aunt and uncle had freshly caught fish one night and loved it. I tried fish from the store and loved it couple of weeks ago as long it’s not boxed
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