French Bread Pizza's


18 Dec 2014
Local time
5:41 PM
Phoenix, Arizona
Have you ever made these? They are fairly simple to make. My mother use to make them all the time while we were growing up. Now I make them as I said these are fairly simple pizza's that can be made. All that is needed are bread rolls such as the French bread rolls, that are about six inches in length cut length wise down the center. A can of tomato paste that is spread over the top of one half of the bread rolls. Then add cheese of choice and toppings of choice. I tend to add Pepperoni but this is something where a person can be creative. It could also be fun to have kids create their own favorite type of pizza by letting them add their own toppings.

These types of pizza will cook in an over at 350 degrees for around 15 to twenty minutes.
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