Fruit Crumble vs Fruit Crisp

idk, maybe a regional thing, who knows - I can only speak of family and people I knew (15 in 1980 here :) )
idk, maybe a regional thing, who knows - I can only speak of family and people I knew (15 in 1980 here :) )
It's that way with food in lots of countries (even states or regions of states in the US), there are multiple ways to prepare various foods.
None of my family or friends families put oats in crumble when I was a kid. I think it's more of a recent development in the history of cooking.
I'm happy to use oats or oat flour in my cooking tho

Me neither. It may be regional originally (Scotland?). I have a lot of vintage cookery books (Victorian through to the 1970's) and of those I've checked none include oats. Crumble topping doesn't appear until WW2 though so far as I can tell.

Not sure it's that recent. I'm from the UK which you won't be aware of, and I've never had crumble without oats.

My oldest cookbook dated 1984 has oats in the crumble topping.

I can't photo the actual recipe because that's a copyright violation, but I can assure you it has oats in it.

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I do tend to think its a 'more recent' development (if you can call the 80's more recent!). My Mum certainly never used oats although we had porridge oats readily available in the larder, as they were a breakfast staple.
Me neither. It may be regional originally (Scotland?). I have a lot of vintage cookery books (Victorian through to the 1970's) and of those I've checked none include oats. Crumble topping doesn't appear until WW2 though so far as I can tell.

I do tend to think its a 'more recent' development (if you can call the 80's more recent!). My Mum certainly never used oats although we had porridge oats readily available in the larder, as they were a breakfast staple.
my family are Welsh. I'm the only oddity being born in Scotland.
Mom’s been making (apple) crisps since before I was born (1966), and always with rolled oats (inasmuch as I can know what she was up to prior to that). 🤷🏻‍♂️
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