Does he have many patients? He sounds like a hoot.Another one, same doc:
When I hit about 45, I started getting really forgetful, and it bothered me a lot, because I'd always had a steel-trap memory, and I was getting to where I couldn't remember what I'd had for lunch the day before, or I'd get up and walk into the kitchen to get something, and forget what it was.
About that time, I'd met up with most of my brothers for a couple of beers. They're all older than me, and the conversation turned to guy talk, and I learned that all my brothers were using this low-testosterone cream, and they all said it was wonderful, mainly in libido department.
Shortly after that, I started noticing all the low-T ads on TV, which all had variations of "Are you forgetful? Tired all the time? Slowing down in the bedroom? Then you need T-cream!"
So, next appointment, I asked my doc:
Any questions for me?
Yeah, uh, I've been really forgetful lately, like I get in the car to go somewhere, get to the end of the road, and I can't remember where I'm going, or I go to the store to get four things, and I get there, and I can remember only two.
(Looks at me like I need to get to the point)
So I keep seeing these ads for low-testosterone cream and-
I'm going to stop you right there. You don't have low testosterone. Just look in the mirror, you're growing a beard! That's all you need to know about your testosterone level.
Ok, it's just that all my brothers are-
Well, all your brothers have the same problem that 90% of older men have - THEY'RE GETTING OLD AND THEY WANT TO KEEP RUNNING AROUND LIKE THEY'RE 20 YEARS OLD!
Ok, I-
Look, you have high testosterone when your young because your body can handle it and you need it. Then as you age, your body can't handle it any longer and Nature does you a favor by cutting your levels back gradually as you age. Yeah, you get tired, you get forgetful, and maybe you don't, um, stay up all night like you used to...THAT'S BY DESIGN!
Ok, so-
You just wait, another 20 years, all the guys who couldn't accept aging gracefully are going to be keeling over left and right from heart attacks, because that's what high testosterone levels do to older men. MARK MY WORDS!!!
The whole aging male thing freaks me out.